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"Go! Keep going and don't look back!" He said.

We were running in the gloomy forest with only our dark, foggy eyes to see. My mind was racing with thoughts of hatred and betrayal. The anger in my veins was enough to make the adrenaline awake; enough to make me turn around and kill her with my own bare hands.

How could she do this to me?

He stopped in between two large spruce trees and held me in his warm embrace. "I need you to run. Run as fast as you can, far away from this place!"

I could not believe what I was hearing. Was he even listening to what he just told me to do to him?

He wanted me to abandon him as if he didn't even matter, leave him behind like he was just an old piece of disposable material. As if it would have been easy for me to let him go.

Even though we have only known each other for a while, it felt like we have known each other for years.

"No. I'm not going if you're not coming with me!" I yelled at him.

"You mean too much to me to leave you behind,"

He held me close to his warm, masculine body and I saw the emotions, the seriousity, all in his eyes.

"You don't have a choice right now. You must be safe."

He sounded nervous but that had to be the adrenaline talking.


I sunk into his burnt orange coloured eyes, while my arms moved involuntarily to hold his; and there it was again.

It felt like electricity coursing throughout my body. But at the same time, it's like cold, cool droplets on the exterior of my skin.

One second I felt something coursing in me and then the next thing I knew, I was wide awake.

I woke up gasping for air, relieved that it was just a dream but also sad that it had to end. I wanted to know what happened that made me run through some forest with a strange man, I wanted to know what was happening in the rush of adrenaline and I also wanted to know what would have happened after the adrenaline wore off. Normally I dream about different things every time I go to sleep and if I do dream the same dream, it usually ends up being a sign.

My family were once ordinary, friendly next-door neighbours, in a white picket fence neighbourhood like any other family. We never played loud music early in the morning or late in the night, never been disruptive not even for pet issues. But on June thirteenth, two thousand and ten, suspicious, supernatural events started to occur. Everything changed that very day. My whole life was turned upside down, everything I ever knew, everyone I ever loved and cared about; my friends, my family, my livelihood changed and not for the better.


I was only eight years old when I lost my mother. She had one of the most beautiful smiles in the entire world. She was gorgeously beautiful, smart and had dark blue coloured eyes.

At least I know where I got my eye colour from.

She was of medium-toned skin with ebony black hair. She wore a blue and yellow dress with a black jacket to cover her shoulders.

That was the last thing I saw her wearing.

She was my rock, my first best friend, and I never thought that I would lose her so soon. I know that life feeds on happiness and failures, birth and death, but this was vicious.

My mother, Anna, was a Medical Surgeon and Doctor. She was one of the most brilliant minded people at Gates Medicine and Research. She was known for creating a specific and unique cure for all types of Cancers.

That day when Drake got a call saying that his wife, was in a full-on collision accident on the highway, he broke down in tears.

The person on the other end of the call told him the worst news a married person could have imagined. He had hung up the phone and dropped it down on the floor. He was now a widower. He was sobbing uncontrollably when I was hiding in the corner of the living room.

" mommy going to come home soon?" Young me said.

"Come hun. I'm going to tell you something, but you are going to be sad, ok hun," He said while gesturing to the couch in front of him.

I walked over to the couch but sat on the floor next to him and held his gigantic hands.

"Is it about Mommy?"

"Yes. Mommy has been in an accident and would not be coming home. Right now she is in a better place with your grandfather,"

Tears were streaming down my cheeks but Drake wiped them away.

"Don't cry baby, she is right here with you, with us and she is watching over us right now. We'll make it through this, together."

And we cuddled next to the couch on the floor until we cried ourselves to sleep.

Our lives were forever changed on that night.

It was anything but ordinary for my family.

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