Chapter 14- Lor'El pt.2

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His name, Ziyland Balor Lor'El.


My name, Cauraline Thalia Lor'El.


We're siblings.

There is so much to wrap my head around.

I'm the second-born child from my mother who abandoned me but returned to her kingdom to raise my brother and completely ignored my existence.

That's a lot to take in, might as well let it out.

I started sobbing and when Ziyland realized, he took me into his arms, comforting me as I let out all the pent-up stress through the tears.

We stood like that for a while before awkwardly shifting apart, both overly quiet to talk.

I made eye contact and quickly broke it, looking anywhere but at my brother.

"So where do we go from here?" He broke the ice.

"Catch up?"

Silence filled the room once again.

"Sorry that I'm awkward but I don't know how to act around a brother I just found out about."

"Don't sweat it," he went silent before his face lit up with an idea. "How about I show you around?"

"Erhm, don't you mean, let JAY show you around. This is my turf bud." Jay interjected.

"You! Motherf-!"

"Language!" Ziyland remarked.

"Asshole!" I charged towards him, hand in the air ready to knock him down and out but his reflexes were quick.

He took my arm and held me in an arm lock behind my back. Bodies so close felt his breathing on my neck.

I headbutted him connecting with his nose, flew my elbow into his ribs, and kicked him in the shin, dropping him to one knee.

All the while Ziyland was propped against a wall observing the scene.

Instantly, an ice shard formed in my hand, ready at ease.

"Woah, Woah. What are you doing?" He panicked.

"I thought you wanted me dead,"

"On the contrary, you're my best friend's sister I'd never hurt you," Ziyland helped him to his feet, as he clutched his rib area.

"But sadly, I have a clue who would."

Come again?

"What do you mean?"

"Do you remember Aaron, the boy who turned into a gross monster?"

I eyed him hard enough till he could sense I was a threat to him.

"I sent him to you,"


As soon as I mentioned that, Ziyland turned on his friend, pining him violently to the wall.

"Ziy, you know I'd never purposely hurt her. I only sent him to test a hypothesis; Aaron isn't the one who wants to kill her, obviously," Ziyland let go of his grip on his friend.

"But I suspect Ethan is the one after Caura."

"This is ridiculous! Why would you say that? Ethan has done nothing but care for me and guide me!" I shouted in fury.

"After what happened between you and Aaron, he reported to me about what he did, and I gave him a good scolding, but he also reported about what he saw. Ethan just stood there and let you get stabbed. While you were bleeding on the ground, he smirked and waited a couple of seconds before running to your aid."

For a moment, his eyes were filled with sympathy and just for that moment, I felt secure.

That moment was long gone.

"I needed to see first hand so I went to your house and waited for him to show up. He deliberately did not defend himself to get your pity."

"Jay, what are you saying?" Ziyland's expression was the epitome of concern.

"I'm saying he may not even be an element."

"That's impossible. For him to have the knowledge of the elements he must've been-

Both their minds joined for the realization of what dawned on them.

"You need to go back!" Ziyland demanded.

"What, no. I wanna help figure out what's going on!"

"I'm not asking." Ziy furrowed his brows and Jay was there backing up his points.

"The longer you stay here, the more he's going to suspect that his cover is blown."

"Can I know what you guys know? Maybe that'll help me figure out what I'm supposed to do."

Jay sighed and walked me over to the Library's storage room. "For your safety, the less you know, the better."

"What do I do now?"

"We'll send you back, and you need to act natural. Tell them that you found Drake but he tricked you into going back by yourself." Jay started as Ziyland cut him off.

"When the time is right, either Jay or I will send you a message. As soon as you get that message, one of us will go to you and bring you back here." Ziy added.

"When we get more information and are absolutely, positively sure of what we're dealing with, then and only then would we fill you in on everything." Jay finished.

"I know we're strangers, but trust us,"

"I do. I trust you both."

It seems as if my life is practically in their hands. Can't go shitting up the plan now.

We nodded to each other, said our goodbyes as Jay opened up a portal for me to return.

"I'll see you soon princess,"

"Were you flirting with my sister?" Ziyland looked over at his friend seeing a playful smile on his face.

"Tsk! Of course,"

Ziyland and I waited for him to say something else but only silence followed.


I stepped into the portal and took a last glimpse of my brother and Jay before I overheard their last conversation.

"Are we doing the right thing sending her back?" Then the scenery dwindled down and I was left in the bushes at night.

Couldn't I end up somewhere closer to my house? Ugh.

Is it possible that Ethan is trying to kill me?

But even so, what's his motive?

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