Chapter 20- Conflict Of Interest

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"Stop being so emotional Caura!"

"When you're too emotional, you lose control of your abilities and act irrationally."

"For your sake, control the way you feel so you won't be a liability."

He's right. As busy as I was being stuck in my feelings, I didn't stop to realize that the people I care about are getting hurt because of my incompetence.


"Now come on," he patted me on my shoulder, "If we're gonna train, let's do it the right way."

He created a small reservoir of water at the end of the room, and I watched on as the water dropped into the ground, staying in its place. 

I heeded his advice and together, we continued training, this time with more control.

He taught me the different variations to applications of Water. 

I can turn my water into a wave motion that launches a tremendous wave, and then we have the regular blasts and beams. 

I can make a golem that projects blasts of water for itself. 

Sawyer noticed that when I drop the temperature, my water transforms to ice. 

"In all my life, I've never seen a person who has water abilities, yet use manipulation to turn it ice." He pointed out.

I was more focused and felt better connected with my abilities to where it felt like breathing.

"I'm impressed."

The water molecules sat in the palm of my hand floating in and out, between each other.

I pushed more out and its size grew larger. Using both my hands, I merged them to form one huge glob of water, the size of my torso.

"I did it," I told Sawyer, amazed at my powers.

"Good job kiddo. You have the potential to do greater and better things. We'll be exploring again tomorrow."

I retracted the water and held onto Sawyer's arm before he walked out.

"Sorry for earlier."

"It's all in the learning process, so no worries." He flexed a smile that showed off his freckles.

I collapsed on the ground, tired, just wanting to rest my eyes before Jay came; not knowing I fell to sleep.

I saw my brother, Ziyland, on his knees, arms outstretched and cuffed to chains on the walls.

His shirt was torn off and skin painted with red slashes; old enough that the blood dried on his skin.

His ebony hair hung low, and his chest barely showed any sign of life.

A dark, slim figure crossed my sight with a bucket of water and splashed it on his face.

"GAH!" He gasped for air letting me know he was indeed still alive but badly wounded.

"Cauraalinee..." She softly hummed.

"Leave her out of this," He defended. "Do whatever you want to me but please, leave her out of this."

"No, Ziy." He couldn't hear me. 

"Heard that Cauraline. Big brother here would do ANYTHING for you,"


She let him taste her knuckles, the sound resonating through the room, and his head hung low again.

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