Chapter nine: Thor (kinda)

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Hi... (hides behind a tree), so I was a little late with my update this month and... I am very sorry! (performs a dogeza). This chapter had me writing and rewriting until I was kinda satisfied with the outcome. I have to admit, these are the moments where I question why I chose to write a sorta love story when I really suck at writing romance. Nonetheless, for the sake of you dear readers who have stuck with me for these past months, I gift to you this. I hope you all enjoy and don't forget to vote, share, and follow! Comments and reviews are always welcomed!



A band of warriors trudges across an icy wasteland. Surrounded by a green, translucent barrier lined with green flames, the group of Asgardians had no trouble with frostbites or strong winds.

"We are here."

Facing the ruins of the Jotun Temple, Loki and his guards awaited for the Jotuns to appear before them. As a sign of respect, he made sure that he and his warriors were respectfully outside the boundaries of the temple so that they could be invited in as proper guests.

"So you have returned again, Son of Odin."

The regal voice of the Jotun King echoed through the square of the ruins. Jotuns, citizens and soldiers alike, began to appear from beneath the shadows. They stared at the Asgardians curiously.

Loki gave a small bow to Laufey. "Indeed, Your Majesty. Be assured that this visit will not trouble you as it had with my brother. He has been thoroughly punished for his actions and is serving his sentence in Midgard."

Laufey nodded indifferently, his red eyes boring into Loki's small frame.

Immediately, Loki found himself surrounded by his own personal guards.

Fandral and Sif made sure to stand close to him. If they had their weapons with them, they would have drawn it by now.

At the sudden defensiveness of the Asgardians, the Jotuns also became wary and agitated. Laufey merely narrowed his eyes with interest.

Loki tries to appease the situation with an awkward smile. "I am sorry. Everyone, please stand down. Forgive me, your majesty. With the banishment of Thor, I have been made regent."

"So the Allfather sleeps." Laufey deduced, his tone now becoming tinted with mild interest.


{Master, what are you doing?!}

Relax. If I don't open my heart and mind to him, then how will I gain his trust? He is a king who is used to courtly lies. I just need to be honest and good and he may find that I am worth something.

{You best be careful, Master Mot... The more you open your heart, the more you suffer.}

Rest assured. I will be careful.

"Then why have you come here, Prince Regent?"

"I would like to make a bargain."

Laufey seemed intrigued at the offer. Fandral and Sif stiffen.

"And what may that be, Odinson?"

Regally, but certainly not in an arrogant way, Loki approaches the massive Jotun throne with a mildly warm smile.

"The alliance between you and the Allfather has become aged. I mean no offense, nor do I bring past memories, Your Majesty, for I was not there for the wars of Jotun and Asgard." Loki spoke genially. "However, I think it is time for my brother and me, if the latter was here with me, of course, to form a new alliance in place of the old. A new set of ropes to tie Jotunheim and Asgard once more."

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