The Marauders Afterlife

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Hey guys! So as you might know (or not know, but you will now), i am like OBSESSED with Harry Potter!!! I LOVE IT!!!! Anyways, I wanted to do a story about it, and about the Marauders (i like, love the marauders! well, apart from wormtail, of course!), so I decided to do one like after they die. My story is basically set in Heaven, right after the Battle Of Hogwarts. I just wrote what I imagined life to be like in Heaven for witches and wizards.  

Anyway, ALL characters belong to their rightful owner, J.K.Rowling.  


Anyway, I hope you enjoy my work, and PLEASE do tell me what you thought about my story!! I really HAVE to know! It's IMPORTANT! Your life depends on it!  

I hope you like my work! And if you don't, Please do not hesitate to tell me!  

I would really like to know what you guys think about it! Positive OR Negative comments are more than Welcome! Oh, but no rude comments, please!  

And please do take into consideration that this IS my first ever fan-fiction! So don't think that I suck. I just need to get used to it.  

Anyways, Please Read, Comment, Vote(please do if you like it!), and most importantly...  



******Please remember to tell me what you think about it!******

Chapter 1: Harry or James?

They were finally together, all of them. Well, apart from the traitor. They would never accept the traitor back. He was the reason they were here in the first place.  

They had just returned from down there. They had gone because he'd called them. He would be dieing as a hero. They were all proud of him. Yet, he still wasn't here. They didn't know what was going on, and still had a bit of hope for him. Maybe he'll survive, and live a long and happy life. If not, then well, they'd be happy to see him again.

They weren't living. In fact, they were dead, transparent, perhaps like a ghost? Or not? They could talk to each other now. They could touch, feel, everything, but only to their kind... the dead. Yes, this was their home now. Heaven. A white-land. A safe-haven. They were safe from the misery going on down there. However, they weren't selfish and were worried about those still living, and fighting to stay alive.

"I hope he's safe. I hope he can finish him off." Lily said softly.  

"Yes, but if Harry can't make it, I want him to bring that evil monster with him. At least here he'll be locked away and won't be able to hurt anyone here." Remus said.  

"Harry's strong. He'll do whatever he can to save the world." Tonks said. She was the newest member of the group and was pleased to find Lily and James were so kind to her. Well, what else was she expecting? After all, that's probably where Harry got all his wonderful and kind traits from.  

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