Beast thirteen

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The last thing that Jimin knew, a figure ran toward him and yanked him away from their grasp before throwing punches here and there, hitting them one by one. Jimin could only see the back of the person who just saved his life. Then he passed out and fell to the concrete.

"Jimin!" Seokjin yelled in panic and got out of the car, sprinting straight to the unconscious boy and brought him to safety. After taking care of Jimin, he averted his gaze to Yoongi who was quickly beating the shit out of those five guys. Seokjin would hate to be them. You could just see the fury and the emotions that he was pouring out.

The four were down and the last guy was left, frightened for his life. He was the one holding Jimin earlier, Yoongi saw how terrified and helpless Jimin was. And he wouldn't forgive him for making him feel that way. As Yoongi stepped forward with a scorching hatred in his eyes, the male fell down to the ground in horror and backed away. "P-Please stop... don't hurt me,"

Yoongi leaned down and grabbed a fistful of his shirt, "Don't ever hurt him again. You understand?"

"Y-Yes!" The male pathetically whimpered, actually afraid of this guy who was smaller than him. But who could blame him? He didn't just saw anyone, he saw a beast!

Yoongi gave him one last blow on the face that caused him to lose consciousness. His knuckles were numb and bleeding, his face had a few cuts and wounds from the counterattack they threw at him. But at this moment, nothing mattered. He went straight at the backseat of the car to hold Jimin's cold body. Seokjin was already buckled up and ready to leave. "Let's go," He demanded.

On their way back, Jin bit his lip trying to stop himself from speaking but his mouth betrayed him like it always does. "A-Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

Yoongi was letting Jimin rest his head on his lap as he held his hand for comfort. Seokjin saw this action and chose not to say anything further. As much as he wanted to point it out, he knew that Yoongi had deeper feelings for the boy more than guilt.


Jimin woke up with a heavy breath. He was inside the Min mansion again at their living room, lying on top of the expensive couch. Wait... dejá vu? No, it's not. He saw Yoongi's back slowly leaving the area, he didn't know why but he wanted him to stay. "Y-Yoongi..."

The male noticed his state and turned around, the wave of relief washing over him. He rushed to his side and knelt down to face him, "How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine–" Jimin replied and sat up, holding his head. He had a good look of Yoongi's face, he had a cut on his lip and his cheek was bruised. "How about you? How're you feeling?"

"It's nothing, go back to rest."

Jimin wasn't stupid... he knew he was the one who saved him earlier. But the question that he had a hard time answering was why?

As Yoongi was about to leave once again, Jimin stopped him by the hand and spoke, "No it's not, you're bleeding. Let me help you." Yoongi looked away and just sat at the empty chair near the couch, wordless. Jimin got out of the living room, taking that as a sign of agreement, and looked for the first aid kit that he found at the drawers.

He returned with a box and immediately went to do his work. He first cleaned the wound on his upper lip before putting on a bandaid on it. He continued his thing and went to treat on his bloody hands next. It was on a rough shape, he was surprised his bones were still in tact. He put the ointment on some cotton and reached his hand out to clean his wounds. Yoongi pulled on both of his hands knowing that it will sting more because of this.

"This will hurt a bit so hold still."

But Yoongi being such a stubborn jerk refused to listen and pushed Jimin's hands away from him. "I said hold still or I won't be able to treat your wound," And Jimin being a persistent brat, forced the cloth to his bleeding knuckles and in the slightest touch, Yoongi winced and growled at the pain.

"OWW! That fucking hurts!"

"If you hold still then it wouldn't sting as much! Stop being such a whiny ass!"

"If you haven't run away this wouldn't have happened in the first place!" Yoongi shouted coming out as a growl.

"If you didn't talk shit about me and your step mom, I wouldn't have left!"

Yoongi was about to argue back when he paused and thought of a comeback. "Well you shouldn't have gone to my room without permission!"

"Well you should learn how to control your temper and not easily jump into conclusions!"

Yoongi rested his chin in defeat with a grumpy look on his face. He would argue but what he said was true and he couldn't do anything about it. Jimin continued to gently treat his wound as he only quietly wince at the pain. "Thank you... for saving me, I mean."

"Don't read into it, I was only doing what a normal person would do at that situation."

"Still, I could be dead by now." Jimin looked down, wrapping a bandage over Yoongi's knuckles. "And I'm sorry, for the things that I've said a while ago. It was wrong of me, I shouldn't have judged you like that."

"You weren't wrong," Jimin gave him a look but didn't say anything. "You were right about me, I guess I was so stuck in the past that I can't move on. I'm so angry that they left me just like that... And I haven't realized that I was putting my anger to the rest of you."

"It's okay to be mad once in a while, I'm mad. Out of all the people in the world, why does it have to be my parents? I always think of that and be furious because I can't seem to find an answer. But instead of focusing your emotions to negativity, I choose to be happy and thankful for everything. I'm sure that's what my parents would've wanted."

Yoongi stared at Jimin's smiling face as he still wrapped the cloth on his hand. "You really love them, don't you?"

"Of course! They're my parents and I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for them. It's just a shame that I couldn't return the favor." Both of their eyes met and none of them seemed to escape their gazes from each other. "You're very lucky Yoongi, not all people is living the luxury life as yours. Your dad is the nicest person in the planet, your step-mom is kind and caring, what are you rebelling from? Why are you so mad at the world?"

"I guess I'm just frustrated about the unfortunate happening with me... Everyone that I love keeps on leaving me. And call me selfish but I'd rather shut everybody else out in my life if it means I won't get hurt in the end. I don't want to love again, I'd only end up hurting."

"How would you know that if you won't give it another shot?"

Yoongi couldn't reply to Jimin's statement. It's like his smile was slowly hypnotizing him and enticing him to lean forward. Yoongi flashed him a thin line of smile. "We'll just have to find out. I've got you, don't I?"

Jimin giggled, slightly pushing his shoulder back.

"I'm at your service, beast."

Anyone familiar with that wound treatment scene? 👋🏻  No? (If you know then shhh! Just say yes but don't say where it's from kekek) This book is so fluffy I want to cuddle it— and this is what happens when you don't have readers, you acknowledge your own book... I'm such a loser pls send help.

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