Beast one

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Jimin was an orphan, staying at her horrible aunt's home. At a young age, he taught himself how to earn money. He works at part-time jobs while he's studying for college. It wasn't easy, but he didn't want to rely on somebody else. Most especially, not his cruel aunt. So he wants to quickly get hired so he can earn money and live far away from her.

Sadly, all of the jobs he has taken is not for long-term. The longest he had was roughly about one month maximum. But Jimin wanted to find a job that can pay his tuition fee, being able to eat food three times a day and money that can cover up all his needs up 'til he graduate college and get a decent job.

He huffed and gripped unto his resume, getting rejected on another job interview. "Aish! When will I get a decent jo— Holy shit!"

"OOOH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!" His small eyes went wide when he bumped into a tall person wearing an expensive suit and the coffee that he was drinking was spilled all over him as soon as they bumped. "Ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod! I'm so sorry! I'm sooo sorry!" He fished for his handkerchief and wiped the man's suit hastily.

"Oh my god! Please don't sue me! I wasn't looking at my direction! I-I can pay you back! B-b-but I-I don't really have enough money saved up to pay you a-and I still have to earn for my school's tuition and—"

The man chuckled at Jimin's rambling, he was talking nonstop that he could barely keep up with him. "Don't worry about it kiddo. It's just clothes,"

"T-Thank you s-sir, you're too kind! But I would feel really rather guilty to leave you like this. I would pay you but I don't really have the money to..." Jimin bowed down at the older male who was smiling at him.

"No it's fine really. I have to apologize as well, I've messed up your clothes too."

Jimin looked down on his white polo and the man was right, he had coffee stains all over. He was sure it will be hard to take the stain away but he could careless at the moment. "I-It's fine, sir."

"Seems like you were having a bad day, you were shouting frustratedly earlier that you didn't even notice me passing by." The middle aged man chuckled.

Jimin looked down, embarrassed at the older. "Y-Yeah... I've been rejected from the job I was applying to."

"Oh you're looking for a job eh?"

"Uh yes, sir. But bad luck is my friend, no good news whatsoever." Jimin shrugged that made the man laugh at his statement.

"Well, I happen to be rich and if you want I could hire you for a job." The man smiled. Jimin's eyes went wide and sparkled.

"Really?!" The young boy hopefully muttered.

"Yes, and if you're interested, we can talk about it in my office." The man pointed at the building that was standing in front of them.

Jimin's jaw dropped, staring at the twenty-something-story floored building. "Yes!"


"Call me Mr. Min, the owner of this company."

"Woah!" Jimin whispered in awe, shaking the man's hand. "What do you have in store for me Sir Mr. Min, sir?"

Mr. Min laughed at how silly the boy was, "Mr. Min is fine for me– Sorry, I didn't quite catch your name."

"Jimin, Park Jimin!"

"Alright, Jimin. The job I want to offer you is not for my company... It's very simple, really."

Jimin lifted his eye brows at the man confused. "What is it sir? I would do anything!" But he suddenly paused from talking. "Apart from selling my organs or my body! I would never sell out myself! –Ohh! I don't want to donate some organs either. I really need to rely on them around for like a lifetime and I don't want to be like a guinea pig for scientific experimental purposes—"

Mr. Min laughed as Jimin continued to go on and on with his nonsense. "—and most especially, I don't want to be a part of criminalism, is that a word? Criminalism? Anyway, you get the point. Syndicate, mafia, secret organizations, etcetera, etcetera. I don't want any part of that. I'll do anything except all of those I mentioned."

"Well, in all honesty, I wasn't planning on giving such jobs to you. But I really admire how straightforward you are, not thinking about what you speak or not caring what might people think about you."

"I'm just being truthful to myself– sir."

"I think you are perfect for the job! You're just the kind of person I am looking for! Cheerful, optimistic, kind, funny, honest and hard-working!"

"Yay!" Jimin chirped happily, clapping his hands. "Although I don't mean to be rude, but what exactly is this job I'm applying for anyway?"

"I want you to tame my son,"

A loud eruption of laughter broke the silence inside the room. "'Tame my son', hah! Classic!" Jimin laughs loudly while banging his hands on the owner's table like it was the funniest joke he ever heard in his life. He suddenly stopped, "What does it mean?"

"Actually, your job is to be my son's personal assistant. When he needs something, you'll be there to do it for him. When he asks for something, you'll be there to get it for him. When he does something bad, you'll be there to stop him."

Jimin scoffed, "I don't intend to offend your son in any way sir but– from what I heard, your son's a total asshole!"

"Yes, he is indeed." Mr. Min laughed, crossing his arms in the process.

"But don't you think he needs more of a babysitter than a personal assistant? How old is your son, 6?"

"He's 22, honestly."

"Then I don't get why you need someone like me to tame him?" Jimin furrowed his eye brows, using the words that Mr. Min had used to call his son. It was a very unusual term to use.

"You see my son is— how do I put this in a nicer, less horrific way to describe him? He's like a wild beast. His attitude is like a hot chili pepper and it tends to be at it's worst when he's pissed off."

The younger lad gasped. "A beast?! Like a w-wolf? Or a bear? A gorilla? A wolfbearilla?!" Jimin gulped nervously. "I-I really appreciate the offer Mr. Min but I'd rather save my skin away from your beast son."

Jimin stands up shaking and marched his way to the exit door. "500,000 ₩ a month, free shelter, food and I'll pay your remaining expenses at your school."

He stopped walking and turned around with a smile on his face, "Uh when do I meet this lovely boy?"

Mr. Min chuckled at how fast Jimin's personality escalated. "I'll take you to him whenever you're ready, Jimin-ssi."

"Then let's go! What are we waiting for? I was born ready!" Then he paused. "–But first I need to pack my stuffs before I stay at your house."

First chappie finally! The Jimin in this book is different from my other ones, it's nice to have different personalities for a change! It's definitely quite a challenge indeed. Stay tuned my lovely sibling~~

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