Beast five

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Jimin was wandering alone at the empty hallway of the building, the students were all inside the classrooms. The school he was transferring to is one of the most prestigious schools in Korea, University of the South, and a mere person like him, to even stand on it's grounds is a big privilege. Why is he not surprised? Of course Mr. Min will send his son to a school like this!


"Oh my god! I'm so sorry! I didn't see you there!"

"Well that's rather insulting." Jimin muttered under his breath, holding his head from the impact. Bumping into a tall male is surely gonna make it on to his unlucky list.

"Here, let me help you!" He took the male's hand and made it as a support to stand back up. "Are you new here? You're not wearing the uniform."

"Yeah, I'm just looking around for a bit. I'll be starting classes tomorro—" Jimin finally had a good look on the guy's face and couldn't help himself but step back in disbelief. "No way..."

Red pinkish hair, big round eyes, pointy nose. There's no doubt about it! It's him!

"Are you okay...?" The guy waved his hand in front of Jimin's face.

"I can't believe it! Y-You're that guy! J-Jeon Jungkook!"

Jungkook suddenly laughed at his reaction, "Yeah, I'm Jungkook. What about it?"

"Ahhhh!" Jimin screamed in horror.

"Are you alright?" Jungkook asked again and was totally confused when the other male started to shout.



"AAAAAHHHHHH!" And the male started sprinting out of the area. Jungkook furrowed his eye brows at the certainly eccentric male he just spoke with.

"Well that was weird... How did he know my name? And started shouting and running like that?" Jungkook laughs a bit and was about to walk off when he saw a bag lying down on the floor. He picks up the paper bag and saw a new neatly folded uniform inside.

"He did say he was gonna start school tomorrow," He quietly muttered. Then he suddenly realized. "He dropped his uniform and he's gonna start classes tomorrow! How am I gonna return this to him?"

He fished inside the bag hoping he would see a name so he can return it to the male. He lifted up the coat of his uniform and saw at the left side of it was his name plate pinned on the cloth, 'Park Jimin'.

"Park Jimin huh?" He smiled and put the coat back in, now holding the paper bag's handle. He started walking to where the male ran off to.

Jimin huffed and crouched down to his knees, catching his breath. He couldn't believe he just met let alone spoke to Jeon Jungkook, the one and only Jeon Jungkook!. It's not a surprise why he met him here, of course a guy like him is at this school! He is really famous for having such good looks and personality that's why he knows him even when he was at the other school.

And he's not gonna deny, he has a big crush on him! Who wouldn't?! Jeon Jungkook is handsome, multi-talented, wealthy, kind, smart and athletic! Now tell me he isn't your ideal guy. Everyone in his past school idolized him and all of the girls there worship him indubitably.

His heart is still beating so fast, although he wasn't that sure because all of the running he made. He still can't believe a mere person like him was able to talk to Jungkook. He wiped the sweat on his forehead and stood up straight, about to move on to his journey. "Wait my paper bag! Where is it? Where is it?!"

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