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Andre's P.O.V.

Having lunch with my wife made me sick to my stomach. When we first met she was as beautiful as a butterfly. In and out I shall say. I have yet to figure out what happen to her? We haven't been together long and this marriage is out of wack. She didn't have the decency to listen to the doctor so she lost our child. Was a baby going to make us better? Nah, I don't think so. I can't even look at her the same. She disgust me just to look at her at the moment. Although she works my nerve and did something so horrible. I was madly in love with my wife. Lori wanted to have a little lunch date since our jobs have us pretty busy and apart.  I have reason to believe my wife be elsewhere. I have had this gut feeling my wife sleeps arounds.  Since then I have been having an affair with the woman at my job. No feeling!No attachments! Just sex and it  wasn't often. I really wanted to make love to my wife. The way Lori looked at her when she saw her I knew she knew something was up.
I wanted my marriage to work. I wanted to figure out what was going on with my wife Why she couldn't talk to me or just be honest and tell me what's going on. She went out just about every night.  I knew she was sleeping with someone elese. I have a hunch that just maybe that baby wasnt mine.Why did she say yes to getting married? I thought because she loved me but seems like she just said yes just because. I do love her but the things she does and the way she acts turns me away. I dont know what about our intimate time. She don't seem to be interested in my affectionate and love making.  I try new things but doesn't phase her. Maybe she wants me to be rough, maybe she wants me to take control.
I went home for a little while and my wife had just got out the shower she had nothing on but a robe. She smelled like flowers and looked beautiful as ever standing there. I admit I dont compliment her as much as I should but how can I? When she show no intrest in me.The minute I started to make love to her my phone rang and I had to go. I knew later on my wife was going out but what she didn't know she was up for surprise. I had paid someone to watch her and it's been going on for a while. My wife was smart and good at what she was doing but I out smarted her.

Lori's P.o.v.
After recognizing that it was indeed my husband voice I heard on the other side of the door my heart began to race. I had no idea what or how Andre would act. Boom boom boom Lori I know you in there!. A few seconds later a loud noise and the door was bursted open. Right before my eyes my husband was standing before me.  I was half dress and this man in front of me. What the hell is this Lori? So this what you do while I'm working? I had nothing to say I was lost for words. I guess I never thought about what would be my explanation if I was to ever get caught. He looked at me and the dude weirdly and just walked away. I closed the door behind him and in a split second the door bursted back open and Andre came in full force and charged at Johnathan he punched and kicked and kicked him in his head. STOP ANDRE your going to kill him! He stopped turned and looked at me and said I'll see you when you get home. My husband is not so much a violent man but that right there! I have never seen him that way before. I didn't run behind him. I helped Johnathan up off the floor ask was he okay? I continued to have sex with him I wasn't turning that down. After we finish I grab my undies and my dress and put it back on. I hope I'll get to see you again Johnathan said. What he didn't know it was only a one time sex thing with me but him I might make an exception. I left out and ran to go look for Shay. I found her at the bar. Damn girl where u been I been looking for you. I think I saw Andre and I was trying to give you a heads up. You did and he busted me in the room with that dude and beat the crap out of him. we have to go!
Shay was all panicking and everything but I showed no care or worry in the world.  I was terrified! I dropped her off and headed home. I had no idea what was going to happen next I been sleeping around on my husband for a very long time and now he knew. He seen me in action.
When I pulled up in the drive way I saw Andre car. I might be a dead woman now however, my husband didn't seem to be that type but what he did tonight scared me. My heart was pounding as I walked to my front door. I walked in the house all the lights was off and no sign of Andre. I walked to the bedroom and he was sound asleep. I went took a shower and join my husband in bed.

The Next Morning
I didn't know how this was going to play out now that I been caught.I didn't know if he wanted a divorce or where his head was. I woke up the next morning with my husband on top of me. He was kissing me and started to take my clothes off. This wasn't the gentle and sweet Andre he was aggressive and taking control! Which turned me on. I was confused and lost i started telling him we need to talk about last night and he mumble. Shhh this what You want now enjoy it! Andre took my body to another level I couldn't believe this was my husband. He took total control he wouldn't let me ride him or anything.
I think it was time for me to tell him about my addiction it was time to confess. Question was did I want to continue with this marriage? Was I willing to let go of sleeping with other men and being commited to my husband. No I was not the urge of having sex took over and I was willing to do anything to get it. My body craved it.I needed it. Truth was I wanted out my marriage but how was Andre going to act all I thought about was Johnathan and how many other men I'll be missing out on. After Andre finished I was ready to tell him I wanted out I was ready to confess! I been sleeping around. Before I could get my words out a knock on the door and it was the chick from his job yelling his name. What the hell she want and why she on my door? Andre Andre I know you in there!

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