Chapter 39

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"So how was your slumber party?" Damon asks, sounding only mildly interested. He's playing on my phone right now so his concentration is somewhere else. I think in Doodle Jump or something.

"Great, until I left at like seven in the morning. Caroline and Elena were very disapproving, and I think Bonnie wanted to blow me up. It's your fault they're mad." I sigh, stealing my phone away from him. He pouts and tries to take it back, but I pull it away from him again. "Why did you even want me to come Damon?"

"I was bored, and slightly lonely. I couldn't have invited better company." Damon smirks, trying to get on my good side.

"Compliments don't work on me do though." I suggest, giving him a small smile. He rolls his eyes, dismissing my idea right away. He looks at me for a few moments, like really looks at me, and it startles me. It almost looks like he is guilty. "Is something wrong Damon?" I ask cautiously.

"You know that missing girl Jessica right?" I nod, not liking where this is going. "I killed her...I drained her blood, then buried her body in the woods. It was right after Rose and I was just so...broken. I didn't know what to do." Damon admits.

I stare at him for a few moments, not knowing how I should react. I take a deep breath, and look into his amazing blue eyes. "I promised you, and myself, I would never judge you. I'm not saying, I'm not pissed you killed some innocent girl because you were upset. I'm just saying, telling me things like this, it won't make me hate you. Or leave you Damon. I love you and I'm sticking with you, even if you sometimes make me want to run you over with a semi."

Damon grins, pulling me towards him. "God, I love you."

"Hey! You're not off the hook though buddy. You can't just kill people when you're upset. Promise me, if you ever feel like that again, you will come to me. Alright?" I demand, giving him a stern look.

"Alright, Ari. But, you have to agree to those same terms also."

"I don't kill people when I'm upset Damon. Even though I really want too." I smirk.

Damon sighs, "Not about that, about telling me when you feel broken like I did. I don't want you to feel like you're alone."

I smile at him lovingly, laying my head on his shoulder. "You're so sweet at times Damon Salvatore."

"Only because I love you Arianna Gilbert." he smiles back, running his hand through my hair.

"See? You're so sweet, like a big teddy bear." I tease.

"Did you just call me a teddy bear?" he clarifies.

"Yes, yes I did."

"I think you're the first person to call me that." Damon frowns not liking it.

"No one knows you like I do." I whisper, straddling him now. He looks at me, a mischievous look in his eyes. "Don't you dar-" I don't even get to finish my threat before he pushes me off the sofa. I scream, and land on the floor headfirst causing me to do a summersault.

I hear Damon laughing, and I very slowly turn my head towards him. He stops laughing instantly when he sees my glare. I stand up, my movements very precise and stalk towards him. "You did not just do that." I fume.

"I did though." he smirks, but I can see he is a little frightened of me. Good.

"I could have broken my neck and died Damon." I point out, knowing it's very unlikely but figuring I should bring it up anyway.

"I wouldn't let you break your neck Aria." Damon sighs, rolling his eyes.

"Do I even want to know what you two are talking about?" Ric questions, just like appearing in the room.

Arianna Gilbert (Vampire Diaries)Where stories live. Discover now