Chapter 25

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I wince as Jenna tightens the corset around me. God, these things hurt so bad. I pick my necklace off the table that Caroline gave me and put it around my neck. I also slip on Stefan's vervain bracelet, knowing it looks stupid but I always wear it. I can't afford not too.

"Ugh, this thing hurts like hell." I groan as Jenna ties some ribbon thing around my waist.

"Suck it up baby." Jenna smirks and pins some off my hair back. I knew I should have never done the Miss Mystic thing, now I'm stuck riding on the float with Tyler. We are both dressed up from clothes in the 1800's because that's when our town originated or something like that.

Jenna steps away from me, smiling at her work. "You look beautiful Aria." I roll my eyes and look at my reflection in the mirror. I look exactly like that photo of Katherine that Stefan has. If people thought I looked like Katherine before wait till they see me now.

"Thanks, Jenna. I have to go meet Elena now, I think I'm late." I frown and try walking but I almost trip and fall right away.

Jenna laughs, "You have to hold your dress up when you walk Aria or else you will trip." I shoot her a glare before picking up my dress and walking out of the room.

I stand at the top of the stairs, looking down in horror. How am I supposed to walk down the stairs with this on?

"Good luck." Jenna teases passing by me and walking down the stairs quickly. I glare as I watch her walk down so easily.

"You could have at least helped me, meanie!" I yell and slowly start inching down the stairs. Thank God, for railings. It takes me five minutes to walk down the stairs. FIVE MINUTES! Normally it takes a few seconds.

"Wow, you look..." Elena trails off as she walks into the living room.

"Exactly like your boyfriend's and my best friend's dead vampire girlfriend." I finish for her with a bitter smile.

"Yeah, it's a little creepy." Elena frowns.

"Tell me about it." I sigh.

"Did you talk to Jeremy last night?" Elena asks hesitantly.

"No, more like yelled and screamed." I shrug.

"Aria." Elena states disapprovingly.

"What? He deserved everything I said to him, he was being stupid. I'm guessing he's not too happy with you either?" I guess taking in her solemn expression.

"He basically told me that he hates me for what we did." Elena sighs, shaking her head. "I didn't want him to find out like this."

"I know, Lena but he did and we can't reverse time. So we have to deal with it and try to figure things out." I state.

"Why do you always give me such good advice?" Elena smiles.

I smirk, "Because I'm God damn awesome."

Elena laughs, "Who is going to be your escort on the float today, Damon or Tyler?" she suddenly asks making my smirk disappear.

"Tyler, he is technically my official escort." I shrug.

"But you want it to be Damon right?" Elena frowns.

"I honestly could care less, they're both my good friends." I lie and she sees right through it. Elena gives me a disapproving look but doesn't say anything else.

"Let's get going, we don't want to be late." Jenna says handing Elena her bag.

"How am I even going to fit in the car with this thing on?" I grumble as Elena and Jenna just laugh at me.

Arianna Gilbert (Vampire Diaries)Where stories live. Discover now