Chapter 38

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"Tyler?" I ask surprised to see him standing at my doorstep. He never comes around anymore, he's been spending his time with Caroline. Oo la la. I totally am starting to ship them. "Hey, we haven't see each other in forever." I smile, actually happy he is here. I kind of miss the jackass.

He grabs my arm, forcing me outside. Once I'm out, he slams the door shut behind me. I look at him startled, and slightly frightened. Anger is practically radiating off him. "You knew my Uncle Mason was dead all this time. Just like you know Stefan, Caroline, and your boyfriend Damon, are vampires. Just like you friken know I am a werewolf. You've been my best friend since we were in kindergarten, how could you betray me like this?!" he demands, his eyes changing to a gold color.

I take a step back, genuinely scared of Tyler. "Your eyes." I whisper, ignoring everything he just said.

With startling speed, he shoves me against the wall, his hand around my throat. "Answer me Aria!" he yells.

"It's a little hard...with your throat." I gasp out, and thankfully Tyler lets go. I gasp for breath, and rub my sore throat, that is most surely bruised.

"How could you do this to me Aria? Is this pay back for me hitting you? I thought you forgave me." Tyler whispers, hatred seeping into his tone with each word.

"I- for once I don't know what to say Tyler. I wish I could give you some reason to forgive me but...I don't have any. To be honest, I never expected you to find out about, well, about anything. About you being a werewolf...I was hoping you would tell me one day. I never planned on telling you about Mason, or my friends. Never." I reply truthfully.

"So you were just going to keep me in the dark? Leaving me to think my Uncle abandoned me when I needed him most?! Do you know how that feels? I thought that he thought I was trash, that could just be thrown away." Tyler glares, sounding heartbroken. My heart breaks, knowing his is broken once again.

"Yes! Of course I know how that feels, Tyler. I felt terrible about not telling you about Mason, but it was for the best. Thinking someone left you, is better than knowing they're dead. I wish my parents just left, at least I could live with the hope they will come back. But I knew they were dead and they were never coming back. Living with that, Ty, is so much worse." I say, feeling tears gather in my eyes.

"At least I would have had some closure Aria. I wouldn't have to beat myself up about why he left. I've been thinking about it constantly. There was no hope for me Aria, just sadness and anger."

"Anger is better than guilt and regret! Anger is better than overwhelming grief, that makes you feel like you're dying inside!" I scream, loosing my patience. I would much rather feel anger than the grief I felt when my parents died. I would give anything not to feel like that.

"What? You think I'm just going to forgive you, say that's okay you lied to me?" Tyler demands.

" I don't think at all Tyler. You should hate me, I kept so many things from you. I was so wrong." I whisper, calming down slightly.

"You're right Aria, I do hate you." he growls before storming off my porch. I watch him jog down the street, biting my lip to keep from sobbing. I sink to the ground, pulling my legs up to my chest.

I shouldn't be surprised. I've been keeping all these secrets, some are bound to get out. I was just hoping...I don't know what I was hoping for. I was stupid. If one lie caught up to me, how many more will? Sooner or later they're all going to come back to haunt me, won't they? I'll end up just like Katherine, drowning in my own lies.

"Aria, are you okay?" Elena asks alarmed, walking out onto the porch. I look at her for a moment before shaking my head. She frowns, sitting down next to me on the floor. "What happened?"

Arianna Gilbert (Vampire Diaries)Where stories live. Discover now