Chapter 6

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"Moon?!" Owen yelled concerned as he ran through the trees towards my direction. I stayed in my human form, the pain keeping my mind from focussing.

"Hold on Moon! We're coming!" Claire called through the trees as I rolled my pruple eyes. 

'No duh, Sherlock' I snapped internally, often hearing one of the humans use the phrase, as I held my left shoulder that i had landed on. 

"Moon?" I heard Owen question from a few metres away making me open my eyes to see him looking down at me in confusion with Claire beside him with a lesser confused but more concerned expression.

Another wave of pain toar through my shoudler making me growl deeply. "I'm going to de-wing each and every one of those snack-sized meat-sticks!" I snarled in rage as I clutched at my shoulder.

"Since when were you a human?" Owen chuckled as he walked to my side. 

"Another step and I'll rip your legs from your hips!" I snarled at him watching as he stepped back with wide-eyes.

I glared at them both, noticing as they both took a step abck from the intensity of it.

I cringed as a tear escaped my right eye trailing down past the silver patch of skin down to my chin before dropping through one of the slashes in my shirt and onto one of my old scars. 

"Moon? Your hurt" Claire began, getting the confidence to step forwards and crouch beside my injured side. 

"Back off!" I snapped at her, my voice breaking as the pain increased a bit. 

Despite the copious amount of fear showing in her eyes, she stood her ground and stared me down. After a few seconds my growl of warning at her turned into a pain-filled whimper as I turned away from her and looked down at my legs with closed eyes.

"It's going to be alright, Moon" Claire cooed, moving closer and resting a hand on my good shoulder with the other wiping the tear streak away as I slowly broke down, more tears escaping as I tried to not let a single sound escape my throat.

"We've got you, alright? You're safe" She assured me, the hand resting on my shoulder moving to the right side of my face where she traced the edge of the silver patch around the purple eye I had opened to look at her with.

"I-I g-got the-the boys to-to sa-safety. They-they sh-should be a-at the park soo-soon" I stuttered through my tears and whimpers as she looked at me. I cringed as she pulled me in for an embrace as she thanked me a hundred times.

I froze in her embrace, not knowing what to do before I began to melt and nuzzled my head into her shoulder. Despite being much larger than her as a Velociraptor, I was actually smaller than her in my human form but only by a few centremeters. 

"Alright you two" Owen interrupted us making us both break apart and glare at him. "We have to get back, you know? The place where those dinosaurs are heading" He commented making me huff.

"Let them eat the weak ones for all I care" I grumbled before flinching as Owen snapped at me. I watched as his eyes widened and he dropped down next to Claire.

"Did you just flinch? You actually listen to me when I yell at you?" He thought aloud as I glared lightly at him.

"Yo-You may no-not be my-my Al-Alpha, I-Idiot, but I-I st-still value yo-you as a clo-close friend" I admitted through my pain before growling at him as he aw'd at me.

"Ge-Get a mo-move on, me-meat-stick before I-I feed yo-you to the-the girls" I growled at him as I stood up, my right hand still clutching at my injured shoulder.

"You wouldn't" Owen drawled makign me turn to him as he and Claire stood with an intense glare. 

"No, yo-you're right" I stated wathcing him begin to smirk thinking I had abcked down. "I'll thro-throw yo-you off that cliff ri-right there" I declared, pointing to the cliff edge and watching as he jumped and slipped by me.

I turned to him with a grin before I cried out a string of colorful promises of pain as Claire grabbed hold of my shoulder and popped the bone back into place. 

"Th-Thank yo-you" I muttered to her, Owen's eyes nearly popping out of his head. "Did you just thank her?" He gaped making me growl at him. 

"Whatever" I muttered before walkign past him with Claire towards the main park area.

-Time Skip-

"How do you even know how to ride a quadbike?" Owen questioned as we all got off our quadbike's between the dinosaur pens.

"I am not completely incompetent, Idiot" I returned with a smirk before watching as he grabbed a tranq gun from someone. With a grin, I grabbed a spare one that another guy was running with and held it like Owen was as I ran after him.

"Why did you just grab that? Do you even know how to shoot one of those?" He questioned after calling for Claire to follow us. I grinned even more with my small eye roll at him as I followed by his side.

"The amount of times your human pack members have shot at me with one of these. I believe I know more than enough, meat-stick" I answered as I carefully looked the gun over as we ran into the main area where all the humans were running away from the flight-able dinosaurs.

"In positions!" Owen called as the humans with tranq guns following us all split into an arrow-like formation as I just stood next to Owen. Once we were all in position, we opened fire on the airborne dinosaurs watching as they fell within seconds of getting hit.

"Zach! Gray!" Claire began yelling like she had at the cliff edge to the small lake. Owen and I both lowered our guns and looked at the other as we heard the two young males yelling back for her.

Looking back over at her and the direction they were running at us from, they were being followed. 

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