Chapter 5

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"Zach!" I heard a male yell from not too far away.

'Must be close then' I told myself before running straight into something concreate and most definitely solid.

Backing up with a sore snout and head, I realised there was an old structure right in front of me. It was very old looking but it seemed to sort of resemble the park's theme of Dinosaurs.

Quickly pacing around the buildings corner, I found an open door and foot prints in the mud right before the doorway.

Thankfully I was a Velociraptor, not a Tyrannosaurus-Rex, and could fit through the doorway easily. Being slow, I walked through the buildings entrance area, being amazed at the collages along the walls and roof.

The sound of tools being thrown around brought my attention to one of the back rooms. Deciding that right now was the best time to use my ability, I focussed on it and began to feel the painful sting and movement of my reptilian body as it turned into an incredibly more vulnerable one.

When I opened my still purple eyes, I immediately looked at my body. sucking in a breath as I saw human hands instead of my taloned ones. Looking further over my body, I noticed that I was wearing a grey shirt with a few slashes in it where my hardened scars were running along my pale skin.

I was also wearing grey jeans that were only a few tones darker than my shirt. Wrapped around my right eye, nose, neck, back and thighs was a large silver patch, the exact same colour as my scruffy, long hair.

"Let's get this over with" I muttered, being slightly surprised that I had an actual voice now. My voice was a bit deep and rough but otherwise good considering being human isn't my original form.

"Do you think we'll make it back to Aunt Claire?" A younger voice questioned someone as I moved for the doorway leading to the room the pair were in.

"Im sure we will. Stop worrying" Another voice answered, this one being a few years older than the other. 

I stood in the doorway, watching as the two boys worked on fixing one of the vehicles in the small garage like room, many tools laid on the ground beside the vehicle with the youngest boy sitting on the bonnet of the second vehicle not being worked on.

"Zach and Gray, I presume?" I asked from in front of the vehicle the youngest male was siting on. Both males jumped at my voice and turned to me quickly before the older one moved in front of the younger with a spanner raised in defence.

"Who are you?" The older male questioned with narrowed eyes as I sighed.

"Call me Moon. Your Aunt sent me to bring you both to her" I replied with a calm tone to try and make the pair relax as they stared at me.

"Why do you look so weird?" The youngest asked making me chuckle before shrugging to indicate that I didn't really know. "I was hat-born this way" I spoke, coughing when I caught myself about to say 'hatched'.

I needed the pair to trust me, even if only a little bit, and slipping up and making them question me wouldn't make that happen any time soon.

"Were you attacked by that thing as well?" The older male asked me, gesturing to my shirt that was ripped in places.

"No, but there is a Velociraptor on the loose somewhere" I smirked, noticing their slightly fearful expressions. "Don't worry. He's much less of a danger to us than that thing out there is" I added, making them both sigh but with just as much fear.

"Come on, I could use an extra set of hands to fix this" The older one told me, motioning his head towards the front of the car as he let the spanner lower. I breathed a sigh of relief before walking over to him and looking down at the internals of the engine.

-Time Skip-

"Dude, I've never seen someone put together a V4 Engine together so quickly!" The older male, the one I now knew as Zach, exclaimed as he dove into the driver's seat.

"I thought you failed your drivers test" Gray commented as he strapped himself in the passengers seat. Jumping into the beck, I quickly sat down and chuckled at the pair.

"No, only the driving part" Zach returned, strapping himself in before he put the car in gear, already having turned it on, and leapt out into the outside world.

"Follow this path! The main part of the park is at the end of it!" I yelled over the roar of the engine. Zach nodded and knocked the gear-stick up one resulting in the vehicle leaping forwards with the added speed.

"You two need to keep going! I promised your Aunt I would get you to them!" I added making them both look back at me confused. 

"What are you doing?" Gray questioned loudly making me look at him softly before grinning.

Just as I was about to answer the ear-splitting roar of the Indominus-Rex made us each look back towards where we had just come from. 

I turned back to Gray with a smirk before I stood carefully up. "Im going to go save your Aunt and the Idiot with her from that thing" I told him before jumping out of the vehicle and turning back to a Velociraptor in the air and landing on my taloned feet. 

I grinned, my back teeth poking out of my closed jaws, turning back to see Gray staring wide-eyed at me. I roared loudly in amusement before going after Owen and Claire.

Following their scent once again, I caught up to the pair right as Claire got off her mobile device.

"Moon?! What are you doing? You're meant to be with the boys!" Owen yelled in surprise as I ran alongside him with a grin.

"They're safe, Meat-stick" I snapped at him lightly, Owen's eyes widening when he realised what my tone meant.

"What did he say?" Claire called from behind us with worry and concern.

"He said they're safe! I think" Owen called back with a small chuckle before we all broke out into daylight, the Aviary resting a good distance from the cliff we were standing on with the Indominus-Rex heading straight for it. 

"Why's it going for the Aviary?" I heard Claire murmur beside me as we all watched it get shot at by the machine gun mounted in the blue helicopter flying above it.

After a few seconds of the machine gun firing at the thing, it smashed into the glass aviary cage allowing the flight-able dinosaurs inside of it to escape after a few powerful roars.

Once they were out of the glass cage, they flew straight for the helicopter, taking it down like the girls with that pig. Claire gasped with a few tears running down her face when the helicopter smashed through the glass aviary as well and hit the ground with a small explosion.

With the added hole in the aviary, the airborne dinosaurs began pouring out of the aviary and flying towards us all.

"Trees, the trees! Go! Go!" Owen yelled, turning with Claire and running for the tree line whilst I held my ground letting a terrifying roar erupt from my jaws.

When I noticed the dinosaurs not stopping anytime soon I quickly turned tail and ran after the pair of humans turning to my human form in order to push the pair out of the way of the one swooping down to get us.

"Let me go before I pull your teeth out! You chicken sized bird-brain!" I snarled before making the nails on my right hand to elongate into sharp talons and burying them into the dinosaurs wing when it hit the downstroke.

With a painful cry it dropped me, my body too high up for a nice landing. Hitting, what I could only describe as, every branch on the tree before hitting the ground with a painful cry.

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