Chapter 2

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The sounds of Owen yelling commands down at the girls managed to wake me up making me groan before flopping my head on its side again.

'Does he ever shut up?' I asked myself before chuckling quietly.

Getting up and looking through the increased integrity bars, I noticed the four girls running from under the platform the male was on after being given the command.

I rolled my purple eyes at them. Turning and laying down a few metres away from the bars and watching as the meanest human joined Owen and his good friend.

Whilst they were each conversing they began walking over to the above platform resting between the girls and mine pens.

"But that techs not gonna eat them if they forget to feed it" I heard Owen state as he made it to the dividing wall.

"Look at these creatures. They've got millions of years of instinct in their cells, instinct that we can program" The one I knew as Hoskins stated. "Their loyalty cannot be bought. Those guys are gonna run straight into the enemy's teeth and eat them, belt buckle and all".

I chuckled loudly, the action coming out as an amused series of roars, catching the trios attention.

"What if they decide they wanna be in control?" Owens good friend questioned, looking over his shoulder at me before returning his eyes to Hoskins.

"Well, then we remind them who is" Hoskins answered with a small glance over at me, "We terminate the rogues".

"I'm charmed" I called to him, Owen laughing as he recognised that I was pointing fun at Hoskins.

"Promote only loyal bloodlines" Hoskins added, the darker skinned man scoffing before he laughed, looking over at me as I too chuckled loudly.

"What? What's do funny?" Hoskins questioned the man whilst Owen whistled. The darker skinned man then walked past the pair and left to finish off his jobs whilst Hoskins looked towards Owen.

"I don't know. You come here and you don't learn anything about these animals except what you want to know" Owen defended, glaring lightly at Hoskins.

"You made them and now you think you own them" He stated turning to look down at the girls who were all play fighting.

"We do own them" Hoskins stated like it was obvious.

"Oh please, don't make me laugh" I huffed with a smirk, my longer sharp back teeth poking out from between my lips.

"Extinct animals have no rights" Hoskins added.

"They're not extinct anymore, Hoskins" Owen argued as I roared quietly in agreement.

"Exactly" Hoskins agreed, glancing at me over this shoulder cautiously to see me laying down looking at him with a purple eye, "We're sitting on a gold mine".

Both men then began walking off still arguing. I rolled my eyes at them and decided to go back to sleep.

Sleeping may seem like my favourite thing to do but I honestly really dislike it. Too many bad memories of being experimented on by the scientist after I just hatched.

Besides, the name Moon wasn't given to me only because of the silver moon patch under my bottom jaw. Unlike the girls, I preferred to stay awake at night and watch the stars and moon roll by slowly.

The buzz of the girls human area's door informed me that Owen was getting back to his own jobs. It also told me that my time was soon as well.

A pig squeal made me look up quickly with a confused expression. 'They've already been fed treats' I wondered, having memorised our timetables by watching what happened when.

"Pig loose!" A yell called as I got to my feet and moved towards the movable bars to see what would happen.

I watched as an unfamiliar male with the long pole ran over the platform and went to catch the pig. Not having noticed the four female Velociraptors already on its curled tail.

With a scream he was pulled over the platforms edge and onto the ground as the four raptors demolished the pig within seconds. The scream caused the four raptors to turn and look over at the man before they gave off small roars and slowly began moving towards him.

"Let him live! You kill him and we all get punished like last time!" I growled through the bars at the girls.

My attention moved from the four raptors to Owen as he yelled orders from the human area as he waited for the movable bars to open high enough for him to dive under.

"Let Moon out! Now!" He yelled, people already reaching for the button to open my pen to theirs.

A countermeasure for situations such as these.

"Back off!" I snarled at the four as I pushed myself under the bars. Owen and I reached the younger males sides at roughly the same time and stood our ground as the four girls growled at us.

"No, hold your fire!" Owen yelled before he stood still, staring the four raptors down.

"Hold your fire. Do not fire" He ordered the several men above us as they got ready to either tranq us raptors or kill us. "Put 12 amps in these animals, they're never gonna trust me again" He declared, holding a hand up in command for the girls to stay still.

"Move aside, Omega" Blue growled, her head lowering showing that she was about ready to attack me.

"You kill this man and you'll have us all punished. You were just complaining about your last punishment from eating that other man" I returned, ignoring Owen as he tried to regain control of the situation.

Glancing backwards quickly, I saw the youngest male make it back to safety leaving Owen and I in the firing range.

"Stand down" Owen ordered Blue making her snap at him in defiance.

"And you snap at me when I defy him" I wondered aloud before snarling at Charlie who decided to nip at my side.

"Delta, I see you. Back up!" Owen yelled, raising his other hand at Delta who was on our left.

"Do as your Alpha says!" I growled at her when she went to bite his arm off.

"You have no right to order us about, Omega!" Blue snarled before biting my snout making me roar loudly at her.

"Charlie, stay right there" Owen called when he noticed Charlie about ready to claw my silver-patched purple-eye out.

"Close the gate" Owen called to his friend who must have been in the human area manning the gate controls.

"Are you crazy?!" He returned as I growled a warning to Echo who was about to jump over Charlie at me.

"Just trust me" Owen called to his friend who did as asked with hesitance.

"Open Moon's more!" Owen called to the man operating the gate to my own pen.

"Now, Moon!" Owen yelled, both of us leaping into a sprint for our respective gates before they closed behind us.

Delta and Blue ran into the bars at Owen's gate whilst Charlie and Echo ran into mine.

I gave a cheasy grin to the pair both of them returning growls.

"You alright Moon?" Owen questioned from the human area, thinking he had to yell for me to hear him.

"Wake me again and I'll use your body as a pillow!"

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