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"Melanie," A voice called. This voice sounded far away, but then it also sounded as if it was right on top of her.

She looked around, no longer seeing the forest scenery that she thought she was in. Instead it was a bedroom, not one that she recognized. And not one that she remembered arriving in.

Still, Melanie had wondered if she had maybe just gotten here by sleep walking.

Nevermind that, she still had no clue where she was.

"Issac?" She called out when she heard footsteps coming towards the door. They were heavy, angry footsteps. The type that one would do after they've just been yelled at by a parent.

But this felt different. These footsteps felt violent and familiar. Melanie couldn't pin point where she had felt or heard these steps from, but she recognized them.

Suddenly they stopped right in front of the door. She heard the person place a hand on the doorknob, yet they didn't turn it. They just stood outside, sending Melanie into slight panic.

"Who's there?" She asked, trying to move. But she couldn't, for some reason her legs weren't working like normal. It felt as if they were paralyzed, like they were entrapped in quicksand.

The door began to creak open, slowly. It was like something you'd see from a horror film.

A figure stepped out of the shadows, revealing a faceless being. This human, or whatever it was didn't have arms. It's arms were replaced by bloody lumps, almost like they were torn off.

Melanie was horrified, wondering why she felt like knew this thing. But she figured it out when it began to speak.

"You did this to me," It spit.

That voice belonged to a person that haunted Melanie, even though he died weeks ago.


"This isn't real," Melanie repeated. She closed her eyes tightly, begging herself to wake up.

Joe was dead, there was no way that this was possible. Yet he stood here, well some of him. Her eyes remained closed, but she felt a presence by her. He was standing right next to her, close enough so that should could feel him breathing.

"I won't ever leave you, Melanie." Joe said, his breath spread over her skin, leaving her with goosebumps. "I'll always be part of you. I'll be part of your dreams, your mind, your body. Everything."

As he spoke, reminders of what he did to her filled her mind. It swarmed the air around her like a hoard of bugs, flooding her entire body. It was like his words were infiltrating her lungs, her chest, her head. Any corner that could be reached.

She screamed, willing the words to stop. Begging Joe to leave her alone, to let her live out this morbid memory in solitude.

"Melanie..." He said, repeating her name over and over. He repeated this, each time his voice became louder and louder. It reached the point that she could hear nothing but her name being yelled.

But the tone of the screams turned to a different one, a voice that Melanie found comfort in.

A voice that screamed her out of her night terror.

She woke with a blood curdling scream, swinging her arms wherever she could. Something was holding her down against her will, and for a couple of seconds she thought she was still in a dream.

"Melanie, it's me! It's Issac," Issac shouted. He held her tightly against his chest, pleading for her to calm down. He prayed that she would be able to bring herself back.

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