Colors and Closets

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Hello. If anyone has tips on potty training a puppy, please tell me. I'm in dire need.
Leave some feedback xoxo
"Where the hell have you been?" Payton snapped, pulling Melanie to the side of the hallway. Melanie glanced at the clock, cursing internally when she realized that she still had ten minuets until first bell.

That meant ten extra minutes of getting yelled at.

"At my house?" Melanie lied, earning a glare from Payton.

"Um, no you weren't," She retorted, "I went there both Saturday and Sunday night and you were nowhere to be found. Not to mention, you left your phone at your house."

Melanie knew she had been caught in a lie, and she knew there was only so many lies she could tell her best friend before she found out the truth.

"I was busy..." Melanie said, not looking her friend in the eyes.

"Busy with what?"

"Just stuff, okay?" Melanie said, feeling irritated. Payton rolled her eyes, wondering what crawled up Mel's ass today. "Please, Payton. I just have something going on and I really just need support. Can you trust me on this?"

Melanie sounded tired, both physically and mentally and Payton picked up on it. She knew that her friend had a rough life, so she decided to let up on her.

"Of course I can, anyways did you know-" Payton began, but was cut off.

"Melanie," Issac said. Payton shot a look between the two of them, trying to put pieces together.

"What?" Mel asked.

She watched Issac reach into his bag, before he pulled out clothes. More specifically, her clothes.

"You left these at my house," He handed them to her before nodding at Payton and walking off.

Payton turned to Melanie with a pointed finger and an accusing look.

"That's why you were busy?"

"He was helping me study." Melanie replied, hardly paying attention to Payton. She kept wondering why Issac randomly gave her back her clothes right then and there. Mel knew he had a reason, but she couldn't figure it out.

"Study what? The human body? Chemistry? How about the reproductive system?"

"Yeah, sure." Melanie answered, glancing around for Issac. She hardly noticed what she had just said to Payton, who was now going off like a bottle rocket. "Hey, listen. I need to go, I'll see you in sociology."

Before Payton could protest anymore, Mel took off in the crowd of people. She sniffed for Issac, catching his sent which was getting closer and closer.

Suddenly, she got pulled into a closet. She was about to scream, until she realized that it was just Issac.

"You know, you could have just tapped me on the shoulder." She snapped, her heart still racing.

"But seeing you terrified is so much better," He replied. Mel caught attitude in his tone, making her wonder yet again what his problem was.

"I'm happy my fear brings your heart joy, but why did you give me my clothes?" Melanie asked, watching Issac roll his eyes.

"I mean I can't wear them, so I thought you'd need them," Issac teased. Melanie glared at him, trying to get out of the closet. She had enough of his attitude. But Issac stood planted in front of the door though, and wasn't moving.

"Get out of my way," She snapped. This did nothing, so Melanie resorted to another plan; shoving him. She mustered up every single ounce of anger she had, which was a lot, and shoved him. He barely moved an inch, as he stood there watching Melanie who tried to shove him again.

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