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I sat there awkwardly looking at Charlene as she helped her mom cooked. They seemed to enjoy doing it together. I did not know where John was, I'm sure he was done putting the bags inside. "Mom, he'll be home in a few," Charles entered the kitchen saying. He then went and took a seat on the island. He was the only one who did not try to hug me or kiss me. He turned and looked at me, he studied my face for a while. He then sighed and got up grabbing the keys walking towards the exit. 

"Where are you off to?" His mom asked him. 

"Just out, I'll be back in time for dinner," he did not wait to hear what she had to say and walked out. 

"Um... do you know where your dad is?" I asked Charlene. 

"You know he's your dad too, right?" She asked me, I shook my head no. "Okay," she said awkwardly. "He might be in his office, it's the second door to your left before the stairs," she said. I mouthed her a thank you. I cannot believe he would leave me in there with people I did not know. I didn't know him either, but at least I've known him longer. I walked towards his office and knocked on the door. After a few seconds, I heard his rough voice telling to come in. 

"Oh Bianca," he said as I entered, "I'm sorry, I just have to take care of something for work," I nodded my head. He had a nice office, he had pictures of his family everywhere. There was even a picture when they were younger, I finally see why they call the younger brother blondie. He looks like he might be adopted, I felt like I recognized him somewhere, but I shook the thought out. 

"What do you do for a living?" I asked him. He raised his eyebrow, "what?" I asked him. Did he do something illegal that I could not know about? 

"It's just that you're asking me questions. Does that mean you are getting interested in learning about each other?"

"Don't push your luck, it was just one question."

"Yeah," he said thinking about it for a while. "I'm an interior designer," he said. That was actually really cool, but I would not let him know that.

"Okay," I answered him, "can I get my phone back?" I asked him, "you said I had to play nice and I am playing nice," I said putting my hands on my hips. He sighed and opened one of his drawers pulling out my phone and headphones. 

"Why do you need the phone anyway?" He asked, "I don't understand why this generation is so attached to their phones."

"Because we use it for everything, I need it because I promised CJ that I would call him as soon as I got here," We hadn't seen each other since yesterday and I kind of missed him. 

"Oh I get it, you want to talk to your man," I looked at him shaking my head, "so what are you guys doing, dating?" He asked, I felt like telling him something smart but I held my tongue. "What do dating couples do now anyway, when I was your age dating only led into one thing. I mean that's all-"

"I do not think you have reached that level yet, father," I told him. "We are not going to talk about my relationship."

"Why not?" He questioned, "I have some great advice about relationships."

"Wow really?" I asked sarcastically. "I will be right back," I told him with a smile. I was not going to actually leave the office, it was a big place. I simply went to take a seat on the sofa across from his desk. I did not feel safe going outside the room. I dialed CJ's number which I had awkwardly learned, I shook my head. The phone rung for a while before he finally answered. His voice was low as he answered, "hey," I said showing more enthusiasm than I intended. "Did I wake you up from your nap or something."

I heard him chuckle on the phone, "no," he replied. "So, how are you enjoying it so far?" He asked.

"It's fine," I answered, I turned and John was busy on his computer. "I have a sister, she's really touchy," I told him, "and I think her twin hates me, but their mom is nice," I told him. "Anyways enough about me, what about you, what are you up to?" It was our first official day without school and he was not working. 

"Um... nothing, just chilling at home," he said. 

"You sure?" I asked him. There was a lot of noise in the background. I thought he would be in public or something. 

"Yeah," he answered unsure of himself, "why?" 

"It's just that, um..." I paused a bit, "nevermind," I told him. I probably was being paranoid, if he told me he was at home, he was at home. It's probably music or a movie in the background. 

"Yeah, I kind of-"

"Christopher, you'll have to sign this," I heard someone tell him in the background.

"Who was that?" I quickly asked him.

"Um... it was just-"

"CJ," I called him, "why are you lying?" I questioned him. "I have no problem lying to people or being lied to, but I was hoping you wouldn't do it to me because I..." I did not know what else to say, "because I care about you and that's surprising because I do not care about shit and the point is; why are you lying to me?" I asked him. 

"Bianca, slow down," he told me. "I'm sorry, okay?" I nodded my head even though he could not see me. "I'm at the hospital," he finally admitted. 

"Oh," I said, "what happened? Are you okay?" I inquired one after the other.

"Yeah I'm fine," he said. "It's just my mom but everything is fine."

"What happened?" I asked him

"She just had one of her episodes, it's fine," he told me for what seemed like the millionth time.

"You sure?" I asked him again.

"Yes, go enjoy your time with your family. We'll talk later," he said. With that, he hung up the phone. I sighed and got up from the sofa. John looked up from his computer looking at me. 

"Everything okay?" He asked me. 

"I think so," I answered him, he was about to say something when the door suddenly opened. 

"Dad, you forgot to pay my membership card, now it's canceled," I did not recognize that voice. I guessed it must have been his other son. That was interesting to start a conversation with your dad, but I guess this is what it's like to have a dad. 

"Didn't pay it on purpose," he answered, "Connor please have some manners," I turned around and looked at him. He was definitely blonde, his hair was golden blonde. I looked down at his face, it was Connor from school. I was surprised to see him, actually, wait, that would mean he is related to me. Now that was surprising, no, it was just weird.

"Hey Bianca," Connor said, "will you pay it now?" He asked his dad. 

"No," he answered cut dry. 

He groaned, "I'm getting a job," he told him.

"Sure," his father said, "you can as soon as you're sixteen," he groaned some more and exited the room. John chuckled and looked at some papers in his hands. "These kids drive me crazy," he said looking at me. 

"You stopped paying his membership card and he drives you crazy?" I asked him.

"Yes," he said, "and until he learns some manners, stop being moody to his mother, he will not get it back."

"Aren't I glad you didn't raise me," I told him. 

"Wouldn't be that bad," he said, "I think you would have been my favorite."

"I doubt it," I told him. 

"Mhmm," he said, "you would've, I'm a very nice guy. We could go play soccer together sometimes or even to eat. My boys are not that simple, Charles is worse, I don't know. I'm not trying to be the bad guy, but sometimes you have to put them back into their places."

"Wait, he's related to me?" I questioned him finally being able to take everything in. 

"Yeah, I thought you knew," he said casually.

"No, why would you think I do?" I asked him. 

"CJ tutors Connor," he told me. I raised my eyebrow, I knew that. That still didn't explain things. "Oh, I thought he told you," he said.

"How long have you known CJ?" I asked him.

"Since school started I guess, he's a great influence on Connor and-" I stopped hearing anything else he had to tell me. Did he really know?

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