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"Oh, so that's what we're doing now?" I asked CJ when we reached in front of my house. He chuckled and shook his head, we just came from a walk in the park. It was really nice, I just came from practice and I needed the walk. It felt nice just talking to him away from everyone and where he was just being his very lovable self. I took my phone out trying to search for my keys in my bag, I finally grabbed them. "Um... thank you for the walk. I had fun," I told him. He nodded his head. "I will see you tomorrow," I said. "Or not," I added after a while.

I knew I would most likely see him, but there was a chance he would be ignoring me. "We have two classes and lunch together and we live next door to each other, I am pretty sure we are going to see each other," he said.

"And talk?" I asked him. He raised his eyebrows, "well, you don't talk to me at school," I informed him.

"I don't?" He asked me, I nodded my head. "I talked to you yesterday," he said to me. I just stared at him not saying anything. "Okay, maybe I don't," he added after thinking about it. "But, it's just that you are different at school so I leave you alone and we can talk outside of school."

"What do you mean?" I asked him. I was still Bianca in and out of school.

"Okay, might sound weird, but in school, you are cool Bianca. You spend all your time with Justin, when you are not with him, you are with your team. It seems like we live in two different worlds at school, but here it's different. You live next door in a two-story house just like mine and you're you," he told me. 

"That's not true," I told him. "I am still me at school or here. Or do you just not want people to know we are hanging out?" I questioned. I am pretty sure we were doing more than just hanging out. We spent a great amount of time together and we both knew it was more than just two people hanging out. I looked forward to seeing him and when I am with him, it feels like nothing else matters in life. I forget about my messed up life, I forget about everything.

"You're right," he said putting his hands inside his jeans pocket, "maybe I don't," I frowned. "Who cares if people know we are hanging out or not, we do. Isn't that all that matters, look I love being around you and spending time with you. And if telling everyone that we do will make you feel better, tomorrow I will stand in the middle of the hallway and say it," I laughed shaking my head. He took a step towards me making me take a step back. My body hit the wall and he didn't care to move upon seeing my discomfort of him being this close to me. "I want to do more than just hang out with you," he told me. He grabbed my hand placing it in his.

He intertwined our fingers and kissed my hands gently, "I like you a lot, Precious," I wanted to roll my eyes at him for calling me my birth name, but hearing him say it sounded wonderful. It didn't sound ghetto at all coming from him, he let go of my hand. "I will see you tomorrow and I definitely will be talking to you about something unimportant," I chuckled. He kissed my forehead and moved to leave my house.

"Wait," I told him, "it's still early, do you want to come in?" I asked him. He seemed to be having a debate with himself deciding if he should come in or not. "We can watch a movie or something," I added after a while. He nodded his head, I opened my front door and it smelt like food. "My mom must've cooked," I said. I left my bag in the front and walked towards the kitchen, when I entered there was a man sitting on the stool near the counter. I was surprised, my mom did not say she was going to have a visitor and she usually let me know when she was.

The man's eyes turned looking at me and CJ. I took a step back hitting CJ, "um... sorry," I told him. He stared at me then at CJ. He was cute, I would give my mom the credit. He was a light skin man, his hair was curly. He looked like he was definitely mixed with something else, he seemed also surprised to see me. I'm sure my mom would have mentioned to him that she had a daughter, "my mom didn't mention she would have any guest, I will leave you guys to it," I quickly turned around grabbing CJ's hand to leave the kitchen. "That was awkward, I'm sorry," I told CJ. "We could just hang out in my room," I told him.

I had a tv in there and it would definitely be away from my mom's date, I wonder where she went. She must be in the restroom or something, as we went up the stairs, she was coming down. "Oh mom, I saw your date, he's really cute," I told him. She raised her eyebrows, "I'll be in my room," I said passing her.

"Bianca," she called, I turned and looked at her. "I need to talk to you," she told me. I nodded my head and went back to walking but she called me again.

"Now?" I asked her. She nodded  her head, "what's up?" I questioned her. She sounded serious, she looked over at CJ. "He's cool," I told her. There was a chance I would tell him about it anyway so she might as well save me the time. 

"I want you to meet someone," she told me. CJ finally let go of my hand. My mom never officially lets me meet one of her dates before mostly because they were never serious. I guess this guy was important, but why was I just hearing about him if he was that important? My mom went down the stairs and I followed her down the stairs. She walked into the kitchen and I did also, I could not wait to meet this important person although I technically already did. 

When we walked into the kitchen, the man stood up. "John, this is Bianca," he said. I waved my hand saying hi to him. "And Bianca," my mom paused, "this is John, your father."

His Savior ✔️ Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon