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I sighed staring at myself in the mirror. I wasn't wearing anything special, just some dark jeans with a t-shirt and my Vans. I wore some light makeup and my braids were in a bun. There weren't much you could do with braids especially since I hated them when they fell on my face. My door opened and my mom walked in, "why are you so dress up, I thought you said you were just going to the carnival with CJ?" She questioned looking at my outfit.

"I'm not dressed up," I said. Well, I kind of was since I decided not to wear my usual leggings. "And yeah, we are just going to the carnival," I told my phone checking the time on my phone. He said he wanted to go around eight and it was now fifteen minutes until eight. Well, the carnival wasn't far from here and he did live across the street from me. 

"Mhmm," she replied, "seems more like a date," she added. I turned and rolled my eyes, she chuckled and smacked my head gently. 

"Mom," I groaned, just then I heard my doorbell ring. I grabbed my phone, my keys, and my wallet heading down the stairs. I walked to the door and opened the door. I smiled when I saw him, he gave me a small smile back and just stood staring at me. He looked up and down my body, maybe my mom was right. I should have just worn my leggings instead. I decided to take this time to check him out also, he was in jeans of course, and a shirt. He had a jacket on, but this time he did not put the hoodie over his head. He let his dark hair fall free, "do you want me to drive?" I questioned finally deciding to say something.

"No," he said, "I'll drive," he pointed outside the house and his car was parked in front of my house. I nodded my head, "we should go," he said. I smiled and exited the house closing the door. We walked to his car and he opened the passenger door for me. He was being such a gentleman. He then walked to the driver's side and hoped on. 

"I didn't know you drove," I said as he started the car. 

"I do," he replied, "I just don't like to plus cars pollute the environment," I should've expected him to say something like that. That's something my mom would say and he read my mom's books. 

"But you need cars to get to point B from point A," I told him.

"True," he answered, "I just don't drive to work or school because they are both working distance," he said. "Why would I drive for five minutes to school when it's just a fifteen-minute walk?" He inquired. 

"Well, I do," I frowned. Now, I felt bad for driving so much. I couldn't picture myself walking anywhere even if it's just for five minutes. He turned and looked at me nodding his head. His phone started vibrating inside his pocket, he reached his hand and grabbed it. "I will take that," I said to him before he even had a chance to turn on the screen. I hated people who used their phone as they drove. I got into an accident once because of that and I haven't done it ever since. "No using your phone as you drive," I told him.

"I can multitask," he told me, "can you check to see what it is," he added. 

I turned on the screen, it had a picture of his family. It was his mom, him, and his dad. I knew it was his dad because it looked exactly like him, in the picture he was way younger though. He looked like he might've been six or something. I stopped staring at the picture and looked at the text message from Connor, "it's a text from Connor," I told him. 

"What does it say?" He questioned. 

"Um... where are the..." the message stopped and the phone had to be open to see the rest of the message. "What's the password?" I asked him. I shouldn't have asked. I doubt he'll give a stranger the password to his phone. 

"0518," he replied quickly. I put in the password and the phone opened. I clicked his messages and the rest of the message popped up. 

"Where are the pills?" I repeated what the message said. 

"Oh, tell him it's in the second cabinet to the left," he said. I typed in the message and sent it. I handed him back his phone and he put it in his pocket again, "thank you," he said. 

"So, Connor's watching your mom?" I asked him, he nodded his head. He took one last turn and the lights of the carnival could be seen. Soon enough, we reached the place and we got out of the car. 


"This is your last chance," CJ said as I tried to shoot a basket into the net so I could get a big teddy bear. I think this was my tenth time trying to do it. I smiled and shot the basket and again I missed. The worker gave me a sorry face, I swear they made those games so no one could win. Or maybe I was just bad at basketball, that is why I love soccer more than basketball.  I pulled out another dollar out of my wallet ready to play again, I handed it to the man, "okay, that's it," CJ finally said. 

He grabbed the ball from me and threw it towards the net. I was surprised to see that the ball made it inside, "give her the teddy bear," he said. The man frowned and grabbed a teddy bear handing it to me. I smiled, I could really lay on top of it. Thinking about it only already made me relax. 

"I see every town has impossible games," I said to CJ as we walked away. He nodded his head agreeing, I think I have played every game that is here already. CJ seemed to hate the games and he claimed I was wasting my money since I did not win any of the games. I only won the teddy bear because he decided to play for me. 

"Although," CJ started, "impossible is the wrong word to use, you are just bad at the games," I pushed his arm lightly, "it's the truth," he told me. We walked passed a snow cone machine and he stopped, "you want a snow cone?" he asked me. I nodded my head, "what flavor?" He also asked. 

"Berry," I replied. 

"Okay, give me a second," he went and stood at the long line. I took a seat at one of the tables not feeling like standing to wait. After about five minutes, he came back and handed me the snow cone. I mouthed him a thank you, "so, do the people here carnival differently than the ones you have been to?" He asked me as he also took a seat.

"Not really," I replied. Everything seemed the same, they had games, rides, and foods. The three things that make a carnival great. I did have a great time with him; he was really fun when he was not talking about math or something school related. I took a bite of the shaved ice and immediately my body started to shake a little due to the cold. It was not cold or anything, it was just really windy and eating snow cones did not make it any better. 

"You're cold?" He asked me. 

"A little," I replied. 

"You want my jacket?" He asked me. 

"Um..." I was wondering if I should take it or not. "Sure," I added after a while. He took it out and handed it to me. I slipped the jacket on, it smelt great. "Thank you," I told him. He nodded his head, we continued to eat our snow cones as we talked.


"This was really fun," I told CJ once he parked in front of my house. "Thank you for taking me," he nodded his head. We stayed silent after that; our eyes were fixed on each other. He seemed to be studying my face, he sighed and turned. 

"Bianca, why did you want to do this?" He asked me, I raised my eyebrow, "you're Bianca, you don't need people to show you around," he said. 

"I just thought it would be fun to have a friend around," I lied. He raised his eyebrow not believing a word I said. "Okay," I added after a while, "I wanted to hang out with you."

"With me?" He questioned, I nodded my head. "Why would you want to-" I didn't give him a chance to finish and leaned over pecking his lips. When I pulled away, he stared at me not believing I just did that. He then pulled me closer and kissed my lips. 

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