Shes dead

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Shane dropped the phone in her hand and I ran out the room. Her mind was racing but she knew one thing for sure. She had to go before Creed got here. She grabbed a big bag and started throwing clothes and other things inside. She grabbed her car keys and ran outside. She popped the trunk and threw everything in. She contemplated going back for Denim but she decided not to.

Denim wasn't important to Shane. The only reason Shane was with her was because Denim's father was in deep debt. Of course Shane ended up killing him anyway but that's not the point.

She sped off in her car knowing she had to atleast get out of Chicago by tonight. She planned to go to her parents house in South Dakota. Nobody really knew her so they wouldn't know anything about her life in South Dakota.

Aria sat at the hotels dinning table typing away on her police computer. She wasn't a cop but they had connections everywhere so she easily had access to everything. She had been looking for something on Shane that could help find her but it's like she never existed.

Aria looked up quickly as the bedroom door opened. Leilani walked out and grabbed a water bottle and some snacks before turning to Aria.

"Anything?" She said lowly.

"It's like she doesn't even exist i don't get it." She said running a hand through her thick curls.

"Find that nigga she was with and bring him to me, he gotta know something." Leilani said and then walked back in the bedroom closing the door behind her:

Denim was cuddling with a body pillow watching Frozen on the TV. Leilani sat the food down and then got in pulling Denim over to her.

"Thank you." Denim's voice was hoarse from all of the screaming she had done. It hurt to do anything but she knew she would be fine. She laid her head on Leilani's chest wrapping her arms around her waist. She closed her eyes focusing solely on her heat beat. It was fast and loud. She inhaled deeply loving what she smelt, it was really good like citrus fruits. 

Denim felt a lot of movement so she unwrapped her arms from Leilani and sat up. Leilani handed her the water bottle and Denim waste no time in chugging it. She handed the empty bottle to Leilani who had another one to offer.

She took it but didn't chug this like the last one. "What's your name?" Denim asked speaking slowly.

"You seriously don't remember me?" Leilani was shocked and hurt that Denim obviously didn't feel the same towards her. Denim shook her head and Frowned.

Leilani sighed deeply "That's ok, it's Leilani."

Denim took a moment to process what she had just said. She knew exactly who Leilani was and she looked nothing like her.

"Leilani Gonzalez," Leilani nodded smiling at how Denim's jaw dropped. "That's impossible, you look so good. What happened to your glasses and braces your hair, your face, you got so fucking tall." Leilani laughed making Denim stop her rant on how much she has grown.

"I still have glasses I just wear contacts, of course my braces came off they don't last forever, my hair I just stopped cutting it mainly because my mom threatened me and took away all sharp objects." Denim smiled a genuine smile.

"You just look so much better now," Leilani raised her eyebrow at Denim.

"So I wasn't cute before?" Denim looked up and her cheeks got light pink.

"No i-i mean you were very cute back then but you just look even better now." Denim clarified not being able to stop smiling.

"I know mi reina." Denim buried her face into a pillow to hide her smile. Her cheeks were starting to hurt but she couldn't help but smile.

Leilani bit her lip as she tugged on the pillow in Denim's hands. She enjoyed looking at her face. "Don't cover yo face, you to beautiful for that." She said again pulling the pillow from Denim which only resulted in her covering her face with her hands.

Leilani leaned forward and pried Denim's hands from her face gently holding the down. Denim's face was light pink and her ears were bright red. She was squeezing her eyes shut tightly.

"Mírame." Leilani whispered reaching up and holding the side of her face. Denim opened her eyes seeing Leilani glancing back and forth between her lips and her eyes. Denim leaned in and Leilani took that as an invitation to connect their lips.

Denim felt butterflies go crazy in her stomach. Leilani felt like fireworks exploded in her head as their lips moved in sync as if they had done this millions of times before. Leilani felt a low groan escape her lips as Denim pulled away.

"I'm sorry, but i can't" Denim said lowly making space between the two.

"Can't what, what's wrong?"

"I can't do this, with you. I-i still love her." Leilani felt her heart sink in her chest and she was angry and sad sat the same time.

"But she hurt you, she left you without a trace."

"I-i know but she still loves me, she promised she would always love me. She's going to come back for me." Denim pulled the covers off her and stood out the bed. " i have to go home and so she can come back to me." Denim truly did love Shane even though she treated her less than shit. Seven years is a long time to be in a relationship. Denim had really grown attached to Shane and her abusive ways. She know she wasn't safe with Shane but she didn't want to believe it.

"Denim stop, Shane is dead and she's not coming back." Leilani said getting up and stopping Denim from leaving.

"What no she just went to the store or something but she's gonna be home soon i have to go home Leilani. Just let me go home!" Denim started screaming and hitting Leilani who kept a strong hold on her while tears rolled down her face. She didn't want to let Denim go she couldn't.

"Denim stop!" Leilani screamed and Denim stopped hitting her and screaming. She just broke down in tears.

"I need to go to her." She cried still trying to get away.

"Denim she's gone, dead." Leilani lied not to hurt her but it was technically the truth. Shane wasn't going to make it out alive no matter what she does.

"How do you know." Denim asked looking up her eyes all red and puffy.

"Because I'm hunting her." What else was she supposed to say, Leilani was completely honest with Denim.

"Why, no you can't, why?"

"Because I love you."

"Well I hate you." Denim snapped. She pushed Leilani off her and stormed right past Aria and out the hotel room.

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