Born a legend

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3rd person pov-

"No Leilani don't touch that." 8 year old Leilani knew better than to not listen to her parents so she stopped in her tracks and retracted her hand from the television remote.

"You have to study your family history. A successful king or queen knows the successes of those who came before. None of this would be possible without them." Her mother Rose spoke highly of thier elders. She made sure all of her children did too.

"Love she's been studying them forever, let her watch some sponge bob. Geez lady." Her other mother Ashley spoke turning on cartoons and sitting beside Leilani on the couch.

Ashley was the less strict but more protective of the two. Rose was all about making sure Leilani was going to be a strong well rounded leader. Leilani was not an only child she had 2 younger brothers Ramses and pharaoh and then Danielle who was Pharaohs twin sister. They were all raised the same but more pressure was put on Leilani. Since she was the next aire to the creed mafia throne. She was only 8 so she could reject at any time but for now she is set for life.

Freshman year of high school

Leilani was angry with her parents for moving thier family from her hometown of Chicago to Dorado, Puerto Rico. They moved beacuse the family was in danger. Leilani was the most bothered by the move mostly beacuse she was just getting to know a girl who was special to her, Denim. They were close friends but now they can't have any type of contact.

"Mom, when can we go back home?"

"Not now Lani. This is the land of your elders you are home."

Leilani returned to her room and laid across the bed. Her parents have left her with a hard choice. Either run away to Denim or move on and risk forgetting and never seeing her again.but how would she even find her way across an ocean and a country?

10 yrs. later

24 year old Leilani sat back in her chair waiting for the growing gang leader to walk in so they can do buisness. They were meeting at a club of a friends. Leilani smoked her back woods as she watched a string of dancers both masculine and feminine strut in and begin their stage performance. Immediately afterwards the long awaited guest enters. She had her second in command Milo on her side carrying a breif case.

Leilani felt a nudge in her side by her bestfriend and beta Aria. They stood to greet her, Leilani was more focused on the dancer with the curly hair in the corner of her eye. That hair, she could never forget the perfect curls. But could it be, no. Everybody in the US seemed to have curly hair now a days.

"Excuse my lateness, Shane. And you?" Leilani watched closely as the blonde haired stood spoke. She seemed to think she knew what she was doing. Little did she know Leilani was not like anybody she has ever done deals with.

"Have a seat, I have much more important things to attend." Leilani spoke her accent making her words hard to understand. She may have grew up in America but in PR all she was allowed to speak was Spanish.

"Yes of course," Leilani didn't care to listen as she said what she was here for. She already knew everything she needed to know and more. All she wanted was her money.

"Ok, where's the money." She spoke interrupting the girl who was rambling on and on.

"Oh yea uhm here." Shane set a giant duffel bag on the table. Leilani held her backwood between her lips and unzipped the bag while Aria took out the money counter. Shane watched nervously as the two put every single stack through checking it. She had no reason to be nervous she didn't know much but she new to not try to cheat someone her. She's heard of the creed mafia and she's always wanted to work with them. This is finally her moment to prove she's worthy.

She gulped when she looked up at her while her friend put all the money into the bag. "Here." She watched the powerful women lift a bag and set it on the table.

Leilani smirked watching Shane dig through the bag finding new toys and all types of drugs. She felt somebody staring at her and she looked past Shane to see the same girl with curly hair now wild all over her head. She seemed to be done dancing and she was sitting on the bar across the room staring at Leilani.

Leilani felt her cold heart warm and jump for joy as she looked into the girls eyes. It's her, she could never forget those eyes or that face. Not even 10 years later her image was still vivid in her mind everyday. And now she's found her. she's found her Denim.

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