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requested by: jkervs1234
how neil takes care of you while you're on your period...
-super kind
-like more than normal ^
-buys you whatever you want/need
-however the first time he was with you when you got sick on your period he was super upset and thought you might need to go to the hospital
-but soon he got over it and took care of you by doing whatever you needed him to
-he rubs your stomach and back
-keeps track of how often you use the heating pad/take your meds
-won't even let the other boys see you because he doesn't want you to be annoyed by them
-plays with your hair
-distracts you by reading or singing to you
-if you get a bad headache he will turn off all the lights, close the blinds and put a cool cloth on your head to ease the pain
-makes sure you eat at least saltines before you take your meds
-always keeps your supply of pads/tampons on hand and makes sure you never run out
-overall he does everything he can to ease your pain/help you feel better
-cant forget about all the kisses/cuddles he gives

a/n heyy! hope you enjoyed this little blurb, and im sending my love to you all!
two questions:
1-who else should i add to my 80s/90s book?
2-where do you want to travel the most?
i want to travel to Amsterdam because it's so beautiful and i'd love to enjoy the cultural experience!!

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