the boys| prefrence

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AtomicAgeSweetheart (ps. ik you wanted an imagine but i thought it would make more sense in this format.)
traffic jams
charlie: -blasts music
-"hey, how much would you give me if i ran in between cars?"
- after awhile he gets restless
-super fidgety
-you play with his hair to calm him down
-once you start moving again "FINALLY! MY GOD!"
meeks: -constantly worrying about how serious the backup might be
-"what if it was a car crash?!" "i hope everyone is okay!"
-he looks at the map trying to see if there is a short cut or if you should just wait it out
- starts getting panicky because his plan isn't working out
-he actually almost has a panic attack and needs you to calm him down
knox: -laid back
-after awhile gets irritated because the same songs keep playing on the radio
-so he turns it off and eats trail mix with you
-gives you all his m&m's
-will fidget just a tad
-plays 21 questions
todd : -so calm
-couldn't care less
-lowkey just glad to be with you
-gets some writing done
-braids your hair
-or if you have short hair, he just curls his fingers through it
-dozes off in the sun
-"woah are we moving?!"
pitts: -calm like todd but fidgety like charlie
-like he doesn't care that you're stuck there but he also needs to move his limbs bc hes A TREE.
-sits on the roof of the car just to people watch
-sketches people and their interactions
-"y/n!! turn that up i love this song!"
-will most likely slow dance with you in the street bc why not ?
-"hey look its moving! well that was fun"
neil: -will make jokes the entire time you're sat there
-acts out scenes from his favorite plays
-air guitar every chance he gets
-"i have a granola bar if you're hungry?"
-tells you stories from his days at welton
-tells you about his dreams for the future
-so wrapped up in telling you these things that he doesn't realize the traffic has let up
a/n hey so im making this kind of a series like im doing with the foreign language imagines! also IM SO SORRY THE IMAGINES ARE TAKING SO LONG! i have lots of requests and i want to make sure they are the best they can possibly be so please hang in there with me!
question: other than the dps cast who is one of your favorite actors/actresses from the 80s/90s?
answer: omg there are so many that i could choose from but i'd have to say corey haim or river phoenix, because they were the first actors that got me into 'older' movies and they were just such wonderful people. rip 💗
dont forget to answer in the comments! xx

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