Stranger Danger

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"I heard something as well," the man said. I gripped Abe's hand harder than I should be but from his intense grip on my waist, I don't think he noticed. I held my breath not wanting to risk any sound, however minuscule. Crunching from feet pacing in dead leaves and branches came closer. The metal of the lanterns they held squeaked as it swung on it's handles. Should we just start running and hope they don't bother to run after? If they did, they would easily catch us, a injured soldier and 5 month pregnant woman would not exactly be a challenge to catch. To fight would not be an option either. Besides even if we were at our fittest, they are probably carrying a weapon of some sort. Two spies would not go for a meeting and not come prepared. So our only hope is that they do not find us.

"Hello? Is someone there? I think I've sprained my foot and I need assistance," Margaret's voice came from less than ten feet away. Her voice was back to the sugary sweet tone it normally has. But now I know, there is poison in that sugar. My heart was beating incredibly fast. The tree we were hiding behind pressed uncomfortably into my back and my arms were being cut by the rough bark. I was pressing myself so hard into the tree I am surprised I haven't melded into it yet.

Light could be seen casting shadows on the plants around us. If we are not perfectly hidden behind this tree whoever is approaching with the light behind us will see us. "I do not see anyone," the man called somewhere far away to the left of us. "It could have been an animal."

Margaret's voice was so close it made everything in me seize. The baby must have felt the tense situation, I could feel a fluttering in my stomach from him turning. "I do not think so." The light came around the tree, Margaret's figure walking forward in front of us. She held her lantern out in front of her, swinging it around to see every crack and crevice of the forest in front of her. Her posture and the way she walked seemed different somehow. Before she would walk with a straight back and head but relaxed, her arms held daintily in front of her usually clasped together. If she had to carry something she carried it with both hands usually swinging it merrily. But now, her head slouched forward and her back was stiff, she held the lantern with one hand moving it methodically, up, down, to the right, then back up and down. Her other arm hung limply at her side. If I had not heard her voice I would have assumed this was another person, not the person who had lived with me for a little over a year.

She turned slowly around. The orange light of the lantern lit the features of her face in a haunting way. She could have been a malevolent ghost from any number of movies. I certainly felt as petrified as the victims in horror movies. Her eyes scanned the forest with the cold look that can only be explained as the lack of emotions, compassion and everything else that makes a person good. Then her eyes landed on her targets and it felt like my heart stopped. We did not move as she walked towards us, her eyes focused on mine. There was no recognition or love in her eyes for me, her best friend and cousin. She stopped two feet away from us, her eyes briefly unlocking from us and looking towards the direction of her partner, then focusing on us again. Was she going to call him? I shook my head, silently pleading with her.

She turned her head back toward the forest and called, "Over here!" I could hear the crashing of branches as someone ran through bushes.

Abe stepped in front of me and spread his hands charismatically, "Margaret, if you would-"
"What do I need to do?" She sighed frustrated. Abe stopped talking.


"What do I have to do to get rid of the both of you?" She dropped the lantern at her waist, casting her face in shadows. Her partner came crashing through the woods, his lantern adding to the pooled light around us. I guess you could say it is illuminating the situation. Bad time for jokes. "Several times we have tried. Most people would not have survived the first time but you Elizabeth, you have always been a bitch. You just had to ruin the plans and not die like a good girl."

Dear Past, You Suck!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ