New Year, New Me

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Above portrait of Elizabeth and Augustus

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Above portrait of Elizabeth and Augustus.

I started off the new year sick. Spending the first day of 1958 between my bedroom and the bathroom. Nausea came in waves. My parents had the doctor staying in the house until I was better, him checking in every hour and trying to prescribe scary sounding medicine. Tar based cough suppressants and cigars to help with nausea were just two.

The one good thing about the bug was that it kept Charlie away. He had shown up eight more times since the Christmas party trying to talk to either me or my father. He was very persistent and even tried to meet me in the hall on my way out of my room. He wanted again to talk about mine and Abe's finances and wouldn't let me pass. So I did the only thing I could think of. I threw up on him. He didn't come back until a week later after that.

It has been 15 months since I woke up in that ditch beside the road. October 12th 1756, a date I will never forget. Sometimes I wish that my false memories I created were real, but I've come to accept that they weren't real. I can't let that hold me back anymore, I need to make the most of this reality. That is why I've decided to make my own money. Father has finally transferred the 1,000 acres of land and property he promised as a bride price. I have been managing and collecting the properties on my own. Already bringing in a large sum of money. I almost have enough to buy some extra property. If I keep these wages up, I will be able to purchase the land to build our estate on in a little over a year. When Abe gets back he will be so proud of me. I know its a longshot but I would like to even have the house built before he gets back. He would be so surprised.

I was sitting in the drawing room, sipping on some tea with honey in it to soothe my sore throat; the last remainder of my illness. Margaret barges into the room smacking straight into a maid who in the kerfuffle dropped the teapot. It didn't smash but only spilled all over the rug. Margaret cried "oops" then dodged around the maid straight for me. She looked excited- more so than normal.

"Ellie you will not have assumed what has happened." She gushed. Before I could reply she continued, "Prince George has sent an official letter announcing his interest and intention of courting me! Who would have thought I Margarite Dufort would be courting a prince. If that goes well, which of course it will, because why would it not, I will be married to a prince, and then as soon as his father dies I will be married to a king. A king! Can you believe that, Ellie?"

"Well I congratulate you on your future marriage."

She gave me the stink eye, "It is going to happen, I can guarentee it."

"Alright, if you believe so." I said skeptically.

"But anyway we are going on a stroll together and then for tea this Saturday. It is going to be quite the event so of course I will need you to help me plan," she enthused.

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