Bon Voyage

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A week. An entire week I have been here. I should be concerned I haven't made any progress in going home, but I'm not. I'm absorbed into this time, I barely have time to think about my friends and family at home. My main priority is to stop this wedding. I have told Abraham multiple times that it is nothing against him, but he takes it personally each time. One time I told him I was considering running off (which I later decided against because of the diseases, morals and overall quality of being poor in this time) he panicked and bought me an extravagant necklace to prove 'he could provide for me better than any other man of any other station.' He was starting to get the basics of modern life and principles but it is difficult for him because he grew up in this time.

Today was a big day, Mrs Hemerton informed me. I couldn't care less though. Mr Hemerton (which I have since learned is not the proper term-it's Duke Hemerton) is a man I hardly know and is leaving on some big business trip to Africa. Everyone acts like I should feel sad for my 'father' leaving; which means I have to act like I am. I am not a good actress though. At least I have the memory problem to fall back onto. Also 'my cousin' Marguerite will be coming to stay. From what Duchess Hemerton told me she was 'a fine young lady, suitable for marriage' and I should 'hold on to my fiancé.' Even if I cared, I doubt Abraham would go for someone in his time when he can have a woman of the future. Right?

Duchess Hemerton had started wearing black as if she was in mourning of her husband- even though he wasn't dead. She would dab her eye whenever she saw him. Duke and Duchess Hemerton and I were standing in the front of the estate, servants lined up beside us. We were waiting for the Warlests who were coming to wait for marguerite with us. The carriage pulled up slowly the horses stopping their hooves in protest of the slow speed. I had never met Abraham's parents before. They were both grave faced individuals with grey hair(although I couldn't tell if it was natural or powdered.) They stepped out of the carriage with their heads held high. They bowed stiffly to the Duke and Duchess.

"How do you do?" Lady Warlest asked without the slightest of emotion.

"As fine as one can be in a time like this," Duchess Hemerton sighed. I snorted at her statement but luckily was ignored. The saying takes a new meaning in my situation. Abraham stepped out of the carriage. He had cut his hair in a similar fashion as the style in the future a few days after our outing to the town. Which he had told me his parents were very unhappy about. He had begun to wear normal citizen clothes which his parents had referred to as pauper clothes. His parents didn't even look at him as he walked over.

"It is good to see you Duchess Hemerton, Duke Hemerton, Lady Hemerton," Abraham said kissing the hands of Duchess Hemerton and myself. He winked when he called me Lady Hemerton.

"Abraham, that is a...interesting fashion," Duke Hemerton said with a disapproving tone. His parents jumped into the conversation to protect their family honour.

"Oh yes, he is getting a new wardrobe for his life as a married man. Unfortunately the tailor is taking much longer than expected," Lord Warlest explained. Abraham rolled his eyes( I taught him that.)

"Of course," Duchess Hemerton said with skepticism.

"I have a gift for you. A merchant offered me a rare and strange product from the Americas. According to him, the native savages there practically worship this delicacy. It comes from a plant. It is called chocolate." He handed small chunks of dark chocolate to the three of us.

"I am not sure how I feel about eating something that is made by savages," Duchess Hemerton said staring at the piece of chocolate in disgust.

Lady Warlest scrambled to assure them it is a safe gift,"I heard that it is the kings favourite food."

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