Level 40: Get Blackmailed

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This isn't real.

I blinked. But she was still standing there, in my doorway, lips tilted up into a cat's smile.

"Bree?" Asher's voice sounded muffled, like I was underwater.

She walked towards me, wrapping her arms around my torso and kissing my cheek. "I've missed you."

That was when I snapped out of it.

I stepped back. "What—"

"Sweetie, you're home!" Mom stood in the doorway, beaming. "Look who came to visit!"

She stepped back, giving us a view of the front room. Of a tall man and woman, and an eighteen-year-old boy. Brielle's parents smiled politely. Brielle's brother, Brandt, glanced at us, his features set into his familiar expression of boredom.

"Axel," her mother said, "how wonderful to see you again."

Brandt's eyes slid away.

"Isn't this great?" Mom gushed. "They flew in from England a few days ago, we were so looking forward to—"


She blinked, then her brows furrowed. She moved towards me, pressing a palm to my forehead. "Are you alright? You look pale."

Smile, smile—

I forced my lips into a smile. "Fine, mom. Just need to get some rest. I'm going to head upstairs. I'll see you later."

She nodded. "Oh, okay."

I kissed her cheek then headed into the house. I could feel her eyes boring into me as I left the room.

A headache throbbed in my skull. Brielle couldn't be here. She wasn't. This was a nightmare.

Ten minutes later, I was in my room and I still hadn't woken up.

I switched on my speakers, but my muscles refused to relax when sound flooded the room. It was a song playing, but I couldn't hear the lyrics.

What the hell were they doing here?

Visiting. Just visiting.

They'd leave soon. And everything would be back to normal. Everything would be fine.

The door to my room swung open.

Brielle stepped inside. "Is it just me or does this room look kind of bare?"

"Get out."

She grinned, striding towards me. Her voice dropped into a purr. "You look angry. Are you angry with me Axel?"

"Get out of my room."

"Hmm." She walked around me, her arm grazing mine. I tried not to flinch. She skated her fingers over my bed. "You've changed. You used to be so obedient." She smirked at me. "Like a puppy."

"Maybe it had something to do with the five guys you cheated on me with," I snapped.

She stopped in front of me. "Was it five? It couldn't have been more than four." She reached for my face.

I caught her wrist. "What do you want?"

She smiled. "You," she purred, "to do something for me."

"Not happening." I released her wrist.

I strode towards the door. If she wouldn't leave, I would.

"You might want to see this."

I stiffened. I recognised that tone. The dip in her voice when she had something on you. When she knew she was in control.

I stared at the door, just two strides away.

Walk out.

"See what?"

The sound of her footsteps behind me. The tapping of her fingers on a phone.

Walk out.

A phone screen appeared in front of me, a video on it.

My heart stopped.

Asher. He looked out of it. Drunk. He was drunk. Eyes half-open. His face pale and streaked with tears.

Brielle's voice came from off screen, bubblegum sweet. "Tell me again what happened Ash."

"Axel lied," he slurred.

"About what Ash?"

"The knife," he croaked. "The pills."

"What did he say Asher?"

Asher's face crumpled. "That he did it."

"And who was it Ash?"

"It was me."

My heart clenched. He was crying. My brother was crying.

Brielle's voice didn't change, but I could hear the excitement thrumming beneath the surface. "Will you show me, Ash?"

Asher started to pull up his sleeves. I jerked my head away.

Brielle stopped the video. "I didn't really buy the Axel Ryder addict story," she murmured to me.

This time, when her hands ran up my jaw to cradle my cheek, I didn't move. Her eyes glinted.

"You always were a goody two shoes." Her thumb grazed my lips. "I'm guessing that there was a reason you lied to your parents. That you would do anything to protect Asher."

"What do you want?" I rasped.

She grinned. "Good boy."


We descended the stairs together, her arm hooked into mine. She insisted and I didn't argue.

The sensation of her skin on mine made me want to vomit.

Her expression remained perfect—a gentle smile. Innocent. As if she was anything other than a monster.

We stepped into the living room. Everyone looked up—mom, Vincent, Brielle's parents, Asher and Brandt.

Brielle's grin widened. "Axel and I have decided to get back together."


Thank you for reading :)

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