Level 8: Get A Makeover

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I watched Violet round the school building and walk towards me. I pulled open the passenger side door of my car, flashing her a grin. She barely looked at me as she slipped inside.

I slid into the driver's side, a grin still stretched over my face. "Mission success."

It was a win. I'd walked round to see if she'd go through with it. I'd seen the cheating dick's face. He was seriously upset. Which I would probably be if I'd lost someone as perfect as Violet.

Violet nodded, but her eyes were dim, her shoulders slumped.

A second later she was sobbing.

My stomach twisted.

I seriously hated that piece of sh*t for making her sad.

Guilt curled around me. As if I was helping. Why was I making her do this anyway? Play this stupid game?

If I was a good guy, I would tell her to forget about this. I would drive her home and tell her to forget the dumbass.

To forget me too.

But I wasn't a good guy.

"Do you like ice cream?" I asked.

She blinked up at me, tears clinging to her eyelashes. I felt the urge to wipe them away.

"Yes," she rasped.

"Cool." I started the car, weaving out of the parking lot.

Without glancing at her, I retrieved tissues from the centre console and handed them over.

"Thank you," she whispered.

I didn't respond.

A few minutes later, we were at a drive-thru for an ice cream store.

Violet's brows furrowed at the sign. "Walter's Gourmet Ice Cream?" she read.

I pulled the car to a stop outside the ordering counter. I shifted my focus to her. Her eyes were still red, but at least she wasn't crying anymore.

"What do you want?"

She blinked. "Vanilla please," she said.

"Cup or cone?"



She shook her head.

I turned to the guy at the ordering counter. "Vanilla Mega-Size, in a cup. And Mega-Size Half-Peanut Butter Half-Chocolate with extra brownies, chocolate shavings and chocolate sauce, in a cup."

The guy wrote it down, then rattled out, "Fifty-Five Dollars please."

I reached for my card, but Violet had already leaned across the space, handing the server bills.

He took it then directed us to the collection counter.

I turned to her, raising an eyebrow.

"What's wrong?" she rasped.

She blinked at me and one of the teardrops stuck to her eyelashes detached, rolling down her face.

I looked away. "Nothing."

A moment later, we collected our ice creams. I handed her the vanilla and tucked my chocolate in the cup holder. I drove to an empty parking space and retrieved my ice cream, digging in. I glanced at her out of the corner of my eye.

She was eating, but her eyes were still dim.

I focused my gaze on my food, smothering a sigh. I had no idea how to comfort girls.

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