Chapter Twenty-Five

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I hold Keana as she cries into my shoulder.

The priest is saying some things to put Averys soul to rest but really, no one is listening.

They moved Averys body to a bigger room and now everyone is gatherd around him. By everyone I mean the team, Averys family, and some of his friends.

The doctors were wrong. Averys didn't have 1-2 weeks, he had 1-2 hours. Everyone is crying, and I mean everyone. Everyone but me, I refuse to cry, especially here. I need to be strong for my sister and everyone else.

It's crazy how much impact Avery had on people. With the way everyone was crying, Avery probably left a lasting mark on these peoples lives. Just like he did with mine.

"May he rest in peace." the priest says.

"Amen." Everyone says in sync.

The priest walks over to me and Keana. He holds his hand out and shake it.

"Thank you father." I say and smile at him.

"You know Kaeleah, it's okay to cry." He pats my shoulder and leaves the room.

It's okay to cry, but I refuse to cry.

Two nurses come in the room and proceed to take Averys body to the morgue. As people leave one by one I find my resolve fading.

Keana left with one of her moms sisters leaving me here to deal with everything else. It's not a problem, I need something to keep me busy.

I contacted Averys mom and told her the situation, she cried for a good hour before telling me she would be home by Sunday, today's Wednesday.

Finally everyone has left. I get up from the chair I was sitting on and stretch. A yawn escapes and I suddenly realize how tried I am. Well i'm actually more exhausted than anything. I take the bags me and Keana brought here and proceed down to the parking lot.


I turn around and see Alexander jogging over to me.

"Oh. Hey."

"Hey. Are you leaving?" He asks and glances at the bags.

"Umh, yeah."

"Well I just wanted to give you my number if you wanted to, you know, try and get a hold on me."

"Oh, oh yeah okay. That'd be good."

He pulls a paper out of his back pocket and hands it to me.

"My number is there." he says.


"Well I guess i'll be seeing you around."

"Yeah. See you around." I say and proceed to make my way to my truck. I place the bags in the passengers seat and hold the steering wheel.

I move my hands so they connect at the top of the steering wheel and rest my head on the back of my hands.

I don't understand why bad thing always tend to happen to good people. People who ddeserve happy endings. Bad things happen to people with pure hearts and minds. Just like Avery.

Avery was like the little brother I never had. Well I have Kael, but he doesn't count.

Avery made me want to rip my hair out and hug him like a bear all the time.

I suddenly remember his last words to me. His very last words.
"I'm all for Tyleah."

That was the day he told me His condition. The last time I ever talked to him.

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