Chapter Three

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"Lunch detention sucks." Jay grumbles. She pushes herself back from the table and rocks her chair.

Whenever we ride with Dev, we're always late. So we sign in at the office, pick up our detention slips then head to class.

"All the damn time." Aly mutters while she plays with the ends of her hair.

"I just noticed we sorta resemble the breakfast club!" Ray announces, like he made some big discovery.

"Don't. I hate that movie." Tyler replies, with a scowl etched on his face.

Tyler, my best friend, is a wide receiver. His dark brown hair sat on top of his head and faded out on the sides. He squints his light brown eyes as he stares down at the paper that's hosting our tic-tac-toe game. His honey tanned skin seemed flawless. The tribal tattoo on his arm peeks out from under his shirt and I run a finger along the intricate design.

"You guys are annoying," Dev says "I'd rather be eating actual food, not this protein cookie." He takes a bite of the cookie despite his comment and Andrea giggles beside him.

"No one cares Devin." I announce. Tyler marks the top middle box with an X and narrows his eyes at me playfully.

"You're going down Anderson."

"Leah, sometimes you can be so bitter." Dev says and shakes his head.

"Hey, some people are trying to sleep here!" Ray gestures up and down his body and sighs. "I don't wanna hear your obnoxious banter." He pulls his hat over his eyes and slumps in his chair.

"Tic-tac-toe. You just got your ass beat, again." I laugh at Tyler. I push the paper away and cross my arms on the table and put my head down.

"What did you do to get yourself stuck in here with us?" I ask Tyler.

He mirrors my actions, crossing his arms and putting his head down, facing me. "Nothing much, just kind of sort of had a peel out competition with Luis from 5th period."

I laugh at his reply and close my eyes, deciding to take a short nap.

I wake with a start as a whistle rings out throughout the room. I look up and see our principal standing there in his 50-year-old glory.

"Up, up, get up. There's 10 minutes 'till class starts." He says and blows the whistle again.

"Did you really have to do that?" I ask feeling extremely annoyed.

"My favorite delinquents are in here, of course I did. Now, let's get moving!" He shouts.

Mr.Monroe calls our small group his favorite delinquents, even though we aren't his favorite at all. In our freshman year of high school, on the first day, an upper class guy had the audacity to smack my ass. I got so heated, I tried to punch him in the face, but Tyler beat me to it.

That guy's friends tried to jump in, but Dev, Jay, Ray, and I were quick to fight back. Poor Caleb, he wasn't our friend at the time, but he was pulled in when one of the guys threw a blind punch and hit him in the eye.

"We're up old man, be quiet." Ray yawns and stretches his arms above his head as he stands.

Mr.Monroe sighs and runs a hand down his face. "I'm so glad this is your last year." He says and glances between us.

"Awh, I know you don't mean it!" I say with a smile.

"Trust me Ms.Anderson, I definitely mean it. Now, get going. The lunch lady has wrapped food for all of you to go." He leaves the room with a wave and we all rush to the cafeteria, with Devin at the front of course. A boy needs his fuel.

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