Chapter Twelve

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The day flew by in a blur and when the final bell rang, I didn't know if I was happy. I don't know, be happy that Kael's playing? Or be torn that he's risking his life? Tough decisions.

"You know, I barely saw you today." Jay says as we walk out to the field.

"I was well aware that would happen."

"Why are you avoiding everyone?" Jay asks.

"I'm not." I say defensively.

"So what do you call you not talking, looking, or walking in any of our directions this whole day?" She asks raising an eyebrow at me.

"I call it Kaeleah doesn't wanna deal with anyone." The conversation ends there because we reach the field and really, what's more to talk about?

We do the usual warm-ups and when we're done Coach sits us down to talk.

"Okay, I know you've all noticed that there's another addition to the team. Everyone welcome back Kael. He'll be taking back his place as forward back and Austin will take over Aaron." Aaron was this freshman dude who got kicked off the team. Yeah, you don't wanna know. He played as Safety on defense, but now Austin does.

Oh, and if you were wondering about Avery, yeah he's on the team. He's our extra kicker.

"Okay, our next game is tomorrow. Run by some plays and we'll be out of here in no time. Leah take the lead."

"Okay guys, Statue of Liberty Play" I say and everyone gets into formation. Well everyone but Kael.

"What's the Statue of Liberty Play" He asks.

"Well if you didn't go and get drunk off your ass that you got put into a coma you'd probably know. Or if you weren't even playing you wouldn't have to worry." I spat.

The words just came flowing out of my mouth like running water.

"Why are you even acting like this? What's wrong with you?" Kael asks.

"Are you really gonna ask me that question?" I ask slightly irritated. I'm aware that everyone stopped what they were doing and all eyes were on my brother and I, but I really didn't care.

"Yeah, I am. Cause you're acting like such a bitch." Kael says angrily.

Wow. My own brother called me a bitch. That's a first.

"You're calling me a bitch? Seriously? Well maybe if you screwed your head back on you'll stop being such a dumb ass!"

"Hey, break it up or I'll have you both benched." Coach says.

I just look at him.

"No, they need this. Let them continue." Tyler says.

"Well at least I'm still fucking supporting you Kaeleah!"

"Are you really gonna bring that up? I'm just looking out for you! Something no one else here is doing!" This is the most heated argument that's ever gone down between us.

"Why can't you just believe I can do this! We are seventeen Kaeleah! I don't need my sister to still be looking out for me! I don't need you in my life anymore!" He yells.

That one hurts, way more than I thought it would. It hits right where it's supposed to, and I don't fight the tear that escapes.

"You don't need me anymore? Well I'll happily step out of your life." I say with my words void of any emotion.

I storm off the field and grab my duffel.

"Kae, wait! I didn't mean that." Kael yells running after me.

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