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"What do you think Tripp's going to name his kids?" It was Monday morning and Gavin, Mick and I were in the kitchen eating cereal at the island when Gavin brought up the idea.

Mick shrugged. "I don't know, why?"

        "Because," Gavin replied, holding up a magazine, "every celebrity names their kid something strange. 'Tripp's' a pretty different name as it is, I just wonder what he'd stick his kid with."

        "Is my name really so terrible that you think I'd give my kid something worse?" Tripp was standing in the doorway, having overhead Gavin. He seemed together after spending the rest of the weekend in his room in a loud silence.

        "Hey, man." Gavin grinned over to him, waving his spoon in greeting. "You're looking good today."

        Tripp rolled his eyes and came and stood at the island. "I was thinking 'Trigg' or something, too out there?"

        Gavin and Mick shook their heads. "Nah, for a boy, right?" Gavin asked.

        "Yeah, the mother can choose the girl's name."

        "Good thinking. There are some terrible names these kids get stuck with." Gavin fiddled with the tabloid magazine he was reading where they were listing the most outrageous names given to celeb babies.

        "Yeah?" Tripp leaned over and began skimming the magazine with Gavin, laughing at all the bizarre names.

        Sitting where I was, I just watched Tripp, happy that he seemed better. All he needed was Gavin's playful antics and he was good to go.

        "Okay enough about that, time for business." Mick stood and placed a stack of scripts on the countertop.

        Gavin drummed his hands on the counter excitedly. "Ooh, tell him about my favorite last."

        Tripp looked between the pile of scripts and Gavin.  "Is it good, Gav?"

        "Trust me, it's the 'one.' "

        Tripp blinked, whistling at the idea. "Whoa, let's get to it. What do we have, Mick?"

        Mick leafed through the scripts. "How do you feel about being killed in a horror movie? You'd go out a hero."

        Tripp frowned. "Nah, let's not go that route yet."

        Mick tossed the script aside. "A romantic comedy about a one-night stand with an old high school crush that ends in a surprise pregnancy?"

        Tripp went to Gavin for help on his decision. "Well?"

        Gavin closed his eyes and shook his head. "Leave it to Timberlake."

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