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Wednesday I was up early enough to greet Nancy as she entered the house. She was carrying a tray of coffee and a bag of pastries, all from Starbucks.

"Up early, eh?" she briefly greeted me, leading the way into the kitchen.

        "Yeah, it's the last day. The big day," I responded, talking more about the interview with People magazine rather than the tour.

        Nancy nodded, agreeing as she set the food on the counter. "And then it's all over, huh?"

        It would be over after the interview. Thursday morning I would board a plane, wave goodbye to Los Angeles and return to my mundane life.

        Can't wait.

        "Yeah, I'll definitely remember this trip for the rest of my life, that's for sure." Hunted by the paparazzi, and living in a extravagant mansion with five crazy guys, oh I'd remember the trip forever.

        "There are a lot of people in Hollywood, Miss Beckett, and for the most of them, it's all a show. They smile pretty, say the right things, and always do the right things, just as long as the cameras are on. But when the cameras are off," Nancy shrugged, gathering a cup of coffee and bringing it to her lips, "they stop and let their inner asshole out. Most people don't care about the fans, just the money and the privileges that come along with the fame. Tripp's not like that. He's real, he gives his fans who and what he is."

        Tripp had been incredibly nice to me from the beginning, causing me to truly ponder if the arrogant thing was just a show for the media. He didn't really seem too into himself, he seemed quite normal. And after the advice he'd given me about college, I actually found myself liking him as a person.

        But I got the gist of what Nancy was saying. For Tripp, the tour and the interview, both would be real, not an act, as for me, I'd have to smile for the camera, to preserve Tripp's perfect image.

        "I understand, Nancy," I said, knowing what I had to do.

        "Good." Nancy sipped her coffee, a smile playing across her lips. "Coffee?"

        I declined it, not much of a coffee drinker anyway.

        "Well, let's go wake up the boys, shall we?"

        I followed her back out to the leisure room, where the boys were all asleep in various positions. Tripp was on the floor, bundled up closely. Gavin and Mick were on the long sofa, nearly spooning. Teddy was on the chair, arms firmly wrapped around himself as if he feared someone was out to get him. They all looked adorable and cute in such a vulnerable state.

        Nancy chuckled, also enjoying the sight momentarily. She took out her phone, snapping a photo of the scene before us. "This will be good to bargain with some day."

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