chapter 2

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           So heres the next chapter and sorry for not updating a lot. I usually take a while to update. Also, sorry it's slow but I'm trying to build up to some things. The next  chapter will have a little nice surprise at the end.

            Thank god Travis is not in any of my classes. I see him enough at work. That’s how we met last year. Travis was a year older than me and taught me how to do everything. We worked at a bookstore. I love books. Every time I’m on break or close, I start to read. Before I worked there, I used to spend most of my money on books. Now I save a lot of money.

            It’s lunch now and I got to my locker for lunch. This school is really small. It’s not surprising since this town is pretty small. That’s why it confuses me that someone would actually want to move here. Once I get my lunch, I pause to look at myself in the small mirror. I touch my hair and sigh. I think the only thing I like about myself is my hair. It has nice long, luscious brown waves. My eyes have a foggy, hazel color to them. My facial structure is just average looking like most people. I don’t have high cheekbones or the dimples when I smile. I’m just normal, like everyone else. The only think that I like about myself, besides my hair, is my fair skin. Sadly though, compared to Sam, I’m nothing. Her hair is a beautiful red and she has such a tiny but curvy body. She looks beautiful when she smiles and even better when she laughs. She’s just always naturally beautiful. I close my eyes and sigh. Wow, I’ve been sighing a lot lately. I have to stop bringing myself down. It’s not good for me.

            I open my eyes and see someone looking at me in my mirror. I gasp and turn around to see no one there. That was strange. I swear I saw someone but no ones there. I close my locker and start to walk to lunch when suddenly I hear a sudden bang on the lockers. I look at the row of lockers for a moment. I just stare trying to find the source of the noise. I look down each row until I get to the last one. When I turn the corner, I bump into someone. I start to fall back but someone grabs my arm and then my back so I don’t fall. The body holds me tight and I can tell it’s a man. I look up from the man’s chest to see my savior. I look up to light blue eyes and a serious face. Daniel! We stare at each other for a while. My heart is beating rapidly. No ones ever held me like this before, not except for Travis. Travis just held me while Daniel seems to be embracing me and holding on, almost like he’s intending to never let go. Daniel is more masculine than Travis. You can see his muscles tighten as he holds me. I look at his whole face. He really is quite handsome. He has a little facial hair. His hair is in his face but I can still see those eyes look at me. I notice a little scar on his left cheek. I wonder where he got that from. I look back at his eyes. They really stand out. They have this pull and you just can’t look away. He really is more handsome than Travis. I realize I’m comparing and look down to his chest. Then I realize we are still so close and start to pull away. Daniel’s arms tighten and hold me in my place. I look back at him.

            “What are you doing?” I ask.

            He stares at me with his usual serious face.

            “Daniel?” I ask.

            He blinks for a moment, like his mind was somewhere else. He releases me and takes a step back.

            “Sorry.” He says.

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