chapter 4

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           So sorry for the long wait and the short chapter. But I'm going to be uploading another chapter in a few days anyways so I didn't think anyone would mind. So enjoy!



          The first thing that hits me is the loud beeping of my alarm. I groan as I reach out to my alarm and start hitting it. After a long attempt at trying to turn it off, I finally hit the right button. I feel my body start to fall and before I realize what’s happening I fall on the ground with a big thud. At first I don’t see anything but darkness and then I realize I took the blanket with me. I push it off of me and slowly get up. I shuffle my way over to my bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. My face looks surprisingly refreshed. I haven’t been getting a lot of sleep lately and usually have bags under my eyes but not today. Strange. I take my hair brush and run it through my unruly hair. Once I finally tame it, I brush my teeth and then apply some light make up until I drop my mascara. As I reach down, my head hits the sink. I straighten up quickly and lean against the wall while groaning. That’s when it all hits me. The man. The knife. Daniel. Wait, Daniel. What the hell happened last night? I pull up my shorts and don’t see any sign of a wound. I know for sure I was hit there by the knife. You can’t forget that kind of pain. Wait! How did I get home? Why am I in my pajamas? I run downstairs to find my Aunt and Uncle in the kitchen. Uncle John’s reading the paper while eating breakfast and Aunt Janice is cooking pancakes.

            “Hey Kristen. Have a nice-” Uncle John stops midsentence when he looks up at me.

            “Kristen, what’s wrong?” He asks.

            “What happened last night?” I ask.

            Aunt Janice looks over with a confused face.

            “What do you mean honey?” She asks.

            “I mean, how did I come home last night? Where’s my wound? What happened to that man?” I ask frantically.

            “Dear, what are you talking about? You came home after work and went to bed. You just seemed exhausted from work. Why? Did something happen?” Concern clear in his voice.

            “I- but I- and Daniel-”

            “Daniel? Were you with a boy last night? Now Kristen, you know I have to approve before you date.” Uncle John says sternly.

            “John, leave her alone. She can date whoever she wants.” Aunt Janice looks at me. “As long as he isn’t a criminal and safe.” She winks at me.

            I feel my face heat up. Not just from the embarrassment but also from annoyance. I yell out in annoyance.

            “I wasn’t with a boy! I was attacked last night! I’m sure of it.” I yell.

            “Oh honey, are you sure?” Aunt Janice asks.

            “Of course I’m sure.”

            “Well you seemed fine last night. Maybe you just had a nightmare. It must have been scary if you thought it was real.” Uncle Johns says.

            “Ughhhh it wasn’t a dream.” Then a thought pops into my head. “Fine, it was a dream. I’m just going to forget about it.”

            “That’s probably for the best.” Aunt Janice says.

            “Well I’m leaving.” I get my backpack and start to head out the door.

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