Part 8: Disowning the memories

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I write fiction because it's a way of making statements I can disown

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I write fiction because it's a way of making statements I can disown.

-Tom Stoppard

She was still in her wedding attire except the fact that she had gotten rid of the jewels and golds.
Leaving those precious pieces of stones for the hungry prince. 'Perhaps he could buy another mattress with this!'she had scoffed taking out her strings of pearls and depositing them in a corner.

She would never see them again because she would not be coming back.

For now the bandage over her head would have to do as her new adornment.

Rubbing her face vigorously after splashing a cauldron of water, her fingers stopped short by the towel lying beside.
She looked at it for the second time, although it looked clean but she could only imagine how frequently these men wash their towels now that she had seen the dirty laundry of the prince himself.

So she decided better. With a corner of her veil she patted her skin dry. She had no mirror or comb and she wasn't going to ask for one hence, not bothering with her look anymore she came out.
Surprisingly though, this time there wasn't Chandra's wild horse waiting for her but instead a carriage have been called.

Her husband waiting for her with its door wide open.

"Good morning my lady! "The Chief General bowed his head and so did everyone else as they saw her approaching.
Although a little confused and hesitant at their sudden unexpected greeting Devika nodded towards them all. 'For the last time!' She told herself.

Because she won't be coming back, at any cost.
She won't come back to this barbaric monster Prince! Never!

He tried to help but ignoring his approaches she climbed into the coach on her own and heard him locking the door after her with a sigh.

The journey was long...too long for her liking specially when she felt every niche and bump of the road stinging straight to her head. She could hear the numerous horses galloping around and behind her coach at a break neck speed.

An hour and half later under the sun of a hot afternoon, the coach came to a standstill and Devika found herself shaking in nervousness because more or less she knew what her father was going to do and she was afraid that it won't be to her liking.

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