Ch. 55

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I groan softly as I feel someone gently shaking me awake. I groan in annoyance before cuddling closer to my pillow.

"Har...Harleeyyy wake upppp. Your valentine is here." A voice whispered in my ear. I sighed softly as I peeked my eye open. Jaxon's face was the first thing I saw. It was his chest that was the first thing I felt when I got my sense back.

My eyes widen as I realised I was pressed against Jaxon in a cozy cuddle. I immediately back up from him- accidentally bumping the chair that held up the blanket fort as I did so. The blankets fell on top of both Jaxon and I, and from outside, I could hear Mali laughing at us. Jaxon's laugh followed after her and I couldn't help but laugh along with them.

I crawled out from the blankets and found that I was the only one left in there. Jaxon has crawled out already and was standing over me with Mali next to him. He grins as he lends his hand out for me to take. I take his hand and let him pull me up.

"Well I'll leave you ladies to your Magic Mike filled day" Jaxon chuckles as he looks at Mali and I.

"How did you-" Mali starts, but I immediately cover her mouth with a red face.

"Shut up, Mali" I say, looking at her with wide eyes. Jaxon laughs at the both of us.

I remove my hand from Mali's mouth and take Jaxon's hand as I lead him outside. "Well thanks for keeping me company, Jax...and for destroying my kitchen" I chuckle softly

"Hey, but I fixed it!" Jaxon says

"Yes you did. Sooo yeah! Thanks again! Goodbye!" I say hurriedly. Jaxon chuckls and waves as I close the door on him.

I heard his footsteps go down the hall and sigh in relief. I look up at Mali and see her smirking at me.

"And what were you doing all snuggled up next to Mr. Parker?" She says with a raised eyebrow

"Sleeping. We baked and built a pillow fort. We got in the pillow fort and slept." I say simply

"Together?" Mali smirks at me


"Really? Then why are you fully clothed?"

My face turns a bright red at her words. "I-I didn't mean it like that!!" I exclaim as I bury my red face in my hands.

"I know" Mali laughs "I just had to say it"

I pout and glare at her playfully "Don't make jokes like that. I have a boyfriend you know?" I say

"Yeahhhh I know." Mali says as she fixes the pillow fort "A boyfriend that probably hasn't even greeted you yet." She mumbles softly to herself

I ignore her true statement as I help her fix the fort back up. Once it was up, Mali took out a bottle of wine.

"This is why I was so late~" She says with a grin. I grin back as I go to the kitchen and take out a two wine glasses and some ice.

I take a seat on the floor next to Mali and set the ice down. I hand her a glass  and she pours the wine for the both of us. We plop some ice in our drinks and lay back in silence as the movie starts.

We were a few minutes in when Mali started talking.

" is Tyler? How are you two?" She asks. I smile as I think of him.

"We're doing good actually. He's so nice and sweet to me" I answer

" how?" Mali asks

"Well we-"

"I mean he rarely takes you out on dates, you guys rarely talk even if you're together, and he hasn't even greeted you today, has he?" Mali cuts me off "I'm not trying to be mean or bitter or something. It's just...I really don't see how your relationship with him is "good". I don't see how he's "sweet". He might've been before, but...I don't know."

"I...He is still sweet, Mali. You don't really see us together a lot, but we do talk and laugh a lot whenever we're together on that bench. Everyday with him is like a date already. It's...not a typical kind of relationship, but I like it like that." I say

Mali looks at me and smiles lightly. She nudges me a little.

"Well then...ignore everything I just said. I was just looking out for you because I thought he wasn't treating you right" she says

I smile and hug her sideways "Thanks Mal...for looking out for me." I say

"No problem, Harley" she says with a grin.

I smile and lean back as we keep watching the movie. As the movie played though, I still couldn't get Mali's words out of my head.

I frowns slightly.

We're...still okay.
Everything is...still okay.


Or is it? ;)

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