Ch. 31

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After I cooled down, J and I lounged around. We were chilling in J's room watching Mission Impossible. I laid on his lap this time and he played with my hair this time. He's been obsessed with it ever since I showed it to him.

Just as a scary part was about to come on, our phones both rang simultaneously. We looked at each other before getting up to answer the call. I checked the caller I.D. and saw it was Mali.

"Heyy!!!" I greet her

"HARLEY DEYES, WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!" She yells. I had to bring the phone away from my ear so that I wouldn't go deaf

"Ouch. Okay." I say

"ANSWER THE QUESTION!!!" Emma yells as well. I guess I'm on speaker phone.

"Emma!!! You're back already??" I say

"STOP CHANGING THE SUBJECT" They yell on unison

"OKAY!! I DON'T KNOW WHERE I AM!!" I yell now as well

"WHAT?!" They shriek

I see J looking at me from the other side of the room. He was on the phone as well, but he was talking much quieter. He looked at me in amusement and curiosity.

"Stop shouting already!!! I don't know where I am. I just know that I'm in privte beach" I say

"With who?" Mali asks


They start squealing, making me yet again have to pull away from the phone. They fangirl for a good 30 seconds before calmong down.

"How???" Emma questions

"Well you were away, Mali was sick, and Chris has school. I suddenly got a call from Jaxon if I wanted to go with him and hang out for the week. I said yes since I had nothin better to do, so now I'm here." I summarize everything. I will tell them the juicy bits when J isn't in the room.

"Oooohhh something saucy is about to happen between you two" Emma teases

"Yeah yeah. Why are you calling and screaming at my ear?" I change the topic

"We dropped by to surprise you and ask you if you wanted to hang out, but you weren't there. Chris wasn't home either. We got really worried, so we tried calling you but you didn't answer" Mali says

"Oh...sorry. My phone was dead" I say sheepishly

"Yeah. We got that." Emma says

"We have some really juicy things to tell you, but we'll tell you later." Mali says

"Yeah. We can't right now cause Kaden and Reece are nearby. They're on the phone with Jaxon actually. The four of us have been lookig for you two." Emma says

"Okay. I have some things to tell you too, but I can't because of the same reason." I say

"Call later?"


We chatted a bit more and finally ended the call. It dawned on me that Jaxon was no longer in the room. I looked out to the hall to see him still on the phone at the other end of the hallway. He spots me and waves. I wave back and go into my room. I decided to take a nice cold shower.

Once I was done, I got a towel and put on my Calvin Klein black sports bra with matching underwear. I wore my black sweatpants and nothing on top. I was just gonna lay in bed and go to sleep anyway. Plus, it's super hot.

I plopped onto my bed and started scrolling through social media. After a bunch of YouTube videos, J finally finished his call. He entered my room and plopped down next to me.

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