Ch. 17

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My time with Chris ended shortly, but I guess that's what they mean when they say time flies when you're having fun. In a matter of no time, it was already Monday. I was getting dressed to go back to school.

I said my goodbye to Mike and hopped on my motorcycle. I was too lazy to walk today. I smiled lightly at the roar of the engine. This will call a lot of attention, but I am too lazy to walk/ take the bus.

I zoomed past the cars and arrived in school. I saw many students stopping in their tracks to look at me. I parked my bike and took off my helmet. Sorry to dissapoint, but there was no wind that blew my hair to the side. My hair was actually all messy and knotted.

I ran my hand through my hair multiple times before finally thinking it was okay. Grabbing my bag, I ignored the looks and murmurs of students and went inside. I kept a blank face, but secretly loved all the comments I was getting.

'Damn who is that?'

'Dude, I saw her driving a freaking Harley Davidson'

'Damn she's hot'

'Is she a new student?'

'Ugh she's not even that pretty'

'I know right!'

'The boys want hot, I'll show them hot.'

' Is that Harley?'

'I think it is...'

'She looks different'

I looked towards the people who said the last three. I saw Jaxon, Reece, and Kaden all looking directly at me. Each had their own Queen B in their arms. I guess Jaxon didn't get any STD'S from Annabeth.

I don't understand why people are suddenly looking at me. I come here in a motorcycle, wearing black skinny jeans, white flowy tank top, a leather jacket, and boots then suddenly I'm so popular.

...well I guess that would attract attention. I honestly don't know why I decided to dress like a stereotypical bad ass girl. I was just feeling in the mood to be one. It might have something to do with Chris and I watching Mission Impossible. I did say yesterday that I wanted to be bad ass too.

Hmm I guess I just answered my own questions.

I ignored everyone and walked into my first class. I spotted a free seat next to Lennon, so I that's where I sat. He looked at me with a big smile and wide eyes.

"Harley? Is that you?" He asks in astonishment

"Of course, unless there's another red head in this school that I don't know about." I say

" look different." He says

"All I did was spice up my look and suddenly everyone notices me" I say

"Well you look bad ass" He says

"Thanks! I was going for that look." I say

We go into conversation on how everything has been. Technically, he talked and I listened. I noticed how most of his topics didn't include Emma anymore. During our first meeting, all he ever talked about was his best friend. Now all he talks about is how he joined the basketball team.


Lunch finally rolled around. I was still the topic of the school. Many people were trying to figure out who I was. Some have already figured it out since I talked with them before. It was only a matter of time till the rumors spread.

I was headed to my normal spot when I heard sobbing. Walking over to the sound as quietly as possible, I noticed the hunched figure of a girl. I sat down in front of her and placed my hand on her shoulder. The girl jumped and looked up at me. I was shocked to see that it was Emma crying.

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