19-Move in with me

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"Move in with me.." He whispered as he lightly caressed my arm. I laid quietly in his arms closing my eyes, I wasn't ready for him to ask me that. I just wanted to enjoy the moment. He stops caressing my arm "Alexis?" He quietly asks. "Hmmm?" I moan softly, snuggling my head further into his neck with a smile.

"Would you be willing to move in with me?"

"I just want to enjoy this moment, I'm really tired. Can we talk about this another time?" I yawn.

He doesn't say anything just letting out a quiet groan. Holding me tighter. I was just falling asleep when I heard him say quietly "Please consider.."

When I awoke the next morning, I laid there looking at Levi, thinking about the question he had asked me the night before. I smiled thinking about it, but I wasn't ready to move in yet. I liked having my own place, and if we didn't work out I would have to start out from square one again. It's just too soon.

I decided to get up, I had grabbed a shirt of Levi's that was laying over the chair in the corner of his room. Putting that on, I quietly went into the kitchen and looked in the fridge to see what I could make him for breakfast. I grabbed a frying pan that was hanging there near the stove and started to fry up bacon. Once the bacon was getting near done, I fried some dipping eggs for him and got the toast ready.

I had found a serving tray and brought his food into the room, setting the tray down I went and climbed over him, straddling him and leaned down to kiss his lips. He wrapped his arms around me as he started to wake up. Opening his eye's I placed another kiss on his lips "Morning, I made you some breakfast." I tell him kissing him before getting off and grabbing the tray to set over his lap.

"What did you do this for? Mrs. Meyers should be here any minute to make breakfast." He says looking at the food. "I just wanted to make you some breakfast." I said to him feeling hurt.

I started to leave the room "Alexis wait..." I stop in the doorway not looking back. "I was just trying to say that you don't have to cook here, that's why I have Mrs. Meyers. I appreciate it though, thank you." He says feeling bad "Come here."

I slowly walk back over to him as he's patting on the bed for me to sit. He sets down the tray on the nightstand as I sit next to him. He wraps an arm around me and curling his finger under my chin turning me to face him, he leans over kissing me.

"Thank you." He says sincere. "You're welcome." I say softly as I look in his eyes.

He grabs the tray placing it over him, and starts to eat. Taking a bite out of the bacon and placing the other part of the bacon in my mouth. He tried to feed me some of his eggs but I'm not into dipping eggs.

We heard Mrs. Meyers walk in just as Levi finished eating. He put some clothes on and had went to talk to her, explaining that I didn't know that she was coming and that I had made him breakfast already. She ended up staying and cleaned the kitchen up for me.


Tuesday night comes and I end up riding with Levi to the airport, I was pretty quiet on our way there, I don't know why it was bothering me that he was leaving, I'm the one who set this up for him.

He kept looking down at me as I just rested my head on his shoulder. "What's wrong?" He asks as he slides his fingers through my hair.

I shake my head "Nothing..."

"You're awfully quiet."

"It's so late at night, I'm tired and just have been thinking.."

"What are you thinking about?" He asks as were pulling up to the airport. I sit up when I realized were here. I take a deep breath "Just that it's going to be a long rest of the week not seeing you." He looks at me knowing I'm lying.

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