chap one

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"What cha wanna eat today baby?", I walked around the mall with my one year old daughter in my arms. We had to run here so I could come and order my new headboard for my bedroom and now I was hungry so she must be too.

I finally just moved into my own apartment. Something just for my baby and I. "Pizza babygirl?", She squealed. "Pee za", She threw her arms up and I giggled. "Pizza it is. C'mon, wanna get down?", She nodded and I let her down. She started to waddle in front of me and I smiled in love with my daughter.

I adored watching her grow and learn more and more everyday. She's my pride & joy and I don't know what life would be like without her. No matter what has happened in the last year because of my pregnancy. She was the best thing I could ever experience.

Nala waddled right into someone's legs and it made her fall down. She laughed and tried to get up. I walked a lil faster up to where she and the mystery legs were.

"You gotta watch whea' you headin' lil mama", I looked up and it was a brown skin young man who was attractive if you asked me. I scooped Nala up in my arms and then stood in front of him. "Sorry, she gets excited sometimes", I giggled a bit and he looked at me with a smile. "Its all good. She a cutie so she slides", He poked her tummy and she laughed and dug her face into my chest. "Ya know she get it from her mama and what not", I flipped my weave over my shoulder and he laughed.

"She ya daughta?", I nodded proudly. I know I looked nineteen so I always was asked if she was my daughter or little sister. "Yeah well den' she get it from her moms", I felt my cheeks warm up. "Thank you, I'm Kyla", He nodded and looked to Nala who was playing with my necklace that said her name. "And this is Nala bear"

"My name is Keyshaun", before I could respond a girl ran up to him holding onto a few shopping bags. "I was wondering where the fuck you went", He squinted his eyes at her. "Watch yo' mouth around da' baby", I was surprised he even said sum' , I mean I wasn't cause she didn't even see us. The girl turned to look at us and then right back to him. "Oh my god. Am I an auntie? Oh my gosh, oh my gosh", She started to hop up and down and it made me laugh and caused Nala to start hopping in my arms thinking this is a game.

"Devina get outta my face", He mushed her surpassing his own chuckle. "This is Kyla and her daughta' Nala", I waved slightly with a smile. "Say hi baby", Nala waved her little hand and Devina I'm guessing started to cheese. "Nice meeting you Kyla and hi pretty girl", She shook Nala's hand.

My tummy started to growl since I was smelling the food court. "We should get going", I popped Nala up on my hip. "It was nice meeting you both" I smiled at Key and he smiled back making me look down shyly. "Could I get your numba?" I nodded.

He handed me his iPhone and I added my number into his contacts under the name "Kyla 😉"

I gave him the phone back and he slipped it into his front pocket. "I'll halla at chu", he turned his attention to Nala and squeezed her lil chubby hand. "And I'll see you round mamas", she smiled and he returned it. "Bye girl and see ya cutie", Devina exclaimed as we started to walk off. I waved with a big smile. She's nice.


"What you bout to do to that poor girl?" I laughed. "nigga what? I ain't bout to do nun but text her, see wassup with her" "she seems like a nice girl, don't do what you usually do" I rolled my eyes.

Devina been my best friend since we was youngin's. her and her twin brother Devin but he passed away a couple years ago. he was killed coming out his girl crib. shit fucked me up hard.

I still had my nigga Izzy, we met him in middle school and it was just us four forreal. we ain't fuck with no new niggas and bitches.

"I ain't gonna do nun to that girl but get to know her, you saw her ass?" Devina busted out laughing and I shrugged seeing she not taking me serious. "and that's ya damn problem right there"

I got home an hour or sum later after dropping Dee off to one of her nigga joints, she a hoe.

and decided to hit lil mama up when I got comfortable in my bed taking off my shoes. I lived in my own condo. I moved out my moms when I was like nineteen, I'm twenty two now, shit been cool on my own.

I like to do what I want and my mama couldn't fuck with that and I couldn't fuck with her rules and restrictions. I was a grown man since I was fifteen. I paid bills in her house type shit.

so I just ain't understand, so I had to go.

my phone vibrated on my chest as I searched for sum on the tv. I had texted Kyla to call me if she wasn't busy, so I guess she ain't busy.

"hey hey" she greeted with the camera up in the air showing she was laying down with her sleeping daughter on her chest and her AirPods in.

she look real good.

"wassgud ma? what you doin?" "nun, I was gonna take a nap before I go to work later on" "where you work at?" she eyed me for a second but quickly said "a bar" I nodded.

"where babygirl be goin?" "my best friend watches her for me since she work in the day" "that's nice of her" "yea, she really stepped up to dad role" I took note of her absence father.

"what bar you work at? I can cum see you sometime" "no" she quickly said but then fixed it. "I mean I can see you anywhere" and she smiled a lil.

"ight ma. well i'on wanna hold ya nap up so go head. hit me before you go to work" "ok I will" we hung up and I put my phone back down on my chest.

I put my attention on the basketball reruns that were playing on my sixty inch and next thing I knew my eyes were slowly closing and I was out.

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