I don't want to get used to it

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A shock of pain ran through my body when the ninja kicked my injured side. I gripped my side as I crumbled to the ground. He only laughed as he pulled out some sort of syringe. I looked at it worried making him laugh more.

"Don't worry. This won't kill you. However, it will cause pain. And also knock you out so I can transfer you more easily." He said happily.

I held the kunai and went to attack him but he knocked them both out of my hands and kicked me again in the side causing more pain to shoot through me. I stayed still knowing I would only cause more trouble if I didn't. I waited as he kneels before me. he bought the syringe down. I grabbed his wrist before he could stab me with it. I jumped up and onto his back pinning him to the ground. I twisted his arm around and stabbed the syringe into his neck before injecting it.

"You bitch." He hissed in pain.

I watched pain spread across his face before he passed out. When he passed out I released my hold on him. My breathing was quick and shallow as I tried to get oxygen into my lungs. He was strong at it took a lot of energy to take in out even more so because of my fucking rib.

I stood up and grabbed the kunai before coming back to the man. I let out a shaky breath and I brought the kunai next to his neck. I should put him out of his misery. If he went back to his boss or whatever I have no doubt in my mind that he would be severely punished. However, if I took him out now the pain would end.

I took a deep breath before sliding the blade into his neck. His body went limp making me cringe. I don't think I would ever get used to killing people. And I don't want to.

I moved the dead bodies or the side before jumping back into the tree Sasuke left me in. I heard explosions and I looked in the direction to see a creature. I got up and went towards it. Its chakra was so different yet familiar. It reminded me of Naruto.

As I ran there I got knocked back by a shock wave. I went to stand up however I was stopped by someone grabbing my wrist. My reflexes kick in and I spun around and went to kick the person only for my ankle to be grabbed. 

I calmed Down when I saw a familiar Anbu mask. He let go of my ankle and jabbed my side causing me to crumble to the ground. I looked up and glared at him.

"You are injured and shouldn't be out here." He said.

I ignored him and went to stand up only for him to throw me over his shoulder. I began thrashing but soon had to stop because of the pain. I looked up to see the creature was gone. I let go of a breath glade this seemed to be ending.

But who planned this attack. and why was I so useless. Sasuke had to save me. I'm going to have to get stronger so I don't need their protection anymore.

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