Belived in

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I stood in front of the door of the person I had to say goodbye to. I took a deep breath and raised my hand to the door but froze. I don't know if I can do this. I shook my head getting rid of my doubts. This is what I had to do. my hand came down to the door in a knock.

The door opened and I smiled seeing a familiar face. He smiled back. I pulled the idiot into a hug getting a view of his bright blond hair. I had to say goodbye to Naruto. I may have a crush on Sasuke but those feeling can never compare to the feelings I have for Naruto. He's been with me since day one. He was one of the first people I met when I came to the village and he was my best friend.

I couldn't live with myself if I didn't say goodbye to him. he's one of the most important people in my life. he's always been by my side. he always rooted for me. he picked me up when I was down.

I felt his grip on me tighten before he put his hand on my shoulders and pulled me back a bit so he could give me a firm gaze. He knew something was up with me. One of his hands moved to my cheek and I saw worry in his eyes.

"I know something is going on with you. And there's reason you won't tell me. But remember this. You are strong, stronger than you think. You mean the world to so many people. You can do so much. So never give up and keep fighting. Because I believe in you." Naruto said with a small smile.

I eyes widened and I felt teas in my eyes. I pulled him into another hug. Dammit Naruto you always have the ability to make me want to fight for what I want. I pulled away from him and gave him a genuine smile causing him to smile.

"I missed you smile. You haven't smiled for real in awhile." Naruto said.

"Thank you Naruto. I'm glade I got to meet you. You have have been a shining light in my darkest times. You have always been with me. You are probably one of the best things that has ever happened to me." I said using sign language.

He smiled and I soon had to leave. I went to the meeting place and my hand formed a fist. Thank you Naruto for giving me hope. I promise all of you this is not goodbye. I will fight for my friends my village my loved ones and for myself. I won't give up. I can't give up. Once again Naruto you have led me out of my darkness hour.

This is not farewell.

For I am voiceless. A ninja of the leaf. A daughter a friend and ally. I won't give up I won't let anything happen to those I love. I will fight I will stand tall and I will believe, because that's my ninja way.

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