15. drowning (part 1)

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Two POVS. In This chapter >.<

Shady Grove Motel//11:36amSean's POV

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Shady Grove Motel//11:36am
Sean's POV.

After about 30 minutes of driving aimlessly through the pitch black roads and two chicken sandwiches from McDonald's, we managed to find a cheap 'Shady Grove Motel.'

"So this is where we're staying, huh?" Naya looks away from the glowing neon sign and smiles faintly. "Who knew mom would drive us away....into a motel?"

"Hey..are you ok? I mean I know your not, but are you?" I spoke calmly worried that the more I badger about her feelings, she just might start crying.

"I'm ok Sean. Really. I'm just glad I'm finally out of there. Even though this wasn't what I was expecting, I'm glad I finally told someone...who I knew would listen..." she paused and staring back at the flickering sign. "I'm just worried about mom."

"Hey, me too. I didnt want to leave her, but we had to. You understand that right?" I park the car and await Naya's response.

Instead she stays quiet, playing with her fingers.

"You've gotta be kidding me?!" I bang my hand on the wheel causing Naya to jump and turn swiftly.

"We should've stayed and tried to convince her together. Convince her and prove to her that-"

"Prove to her what, the man she sleeps with is molesting and sexually assaulting you!?" I exhale deeply noticing the sad expression on her face,"He could've raped you Naya..."

"I know, you don't think I know that. Did you think I was home all the time just so I can increase the chances of me getting raped in my own bed? I stayed so I could find a way to save my family to save my new life, but look where that ended up. Staying in a motel with my big bro and nothing else. We have no one else." She gets out the car and begins to walk to entrance Shady Groves Motel. Leaving  just me and my thoughts behind.


I push through the front doors and wandered aimlessly into the lobby looking for Naya.

"Hiya, Welcome to Shady Grove Motel." A plump lady that looked to be in her late-40s sat behind a wide desk. She was greeting Naya, who waved me over.

"Well aren't you a fine looking man." The lady smiled 'seductively' while placing a hand on mine. I chuckled embarrassingly attempting to pull my hand away from hers. Our 'moment' is cut short to the sound of Naya clearing her throat trying to catch this women's attention.

"Oh let me introduce myself, my name is Tina and how long will y'all be staying." She smiled flatly at Nay before turning her attention back to me.

"Umm we're not sure" I glanced at Nay who only shrugged, "maybe like four days for now."

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