13. regret and forget

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Anaya's POV

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Anaya's POV.

"Where the hell have you been?!," My mothers booming voice could probably be heard down the street. She was in her working clothes, since she had just arrived from her overnight job at 9. I slowly walk in and place my bag on a chair in the kitchen. She taps her acrylic blue nails on the counter, awaiting my reason for basically being gone a day and a half, while I held the urge to roll my eyes.

"Hellooo, earth to Anaya." She waved her hands in front of my face, "You skip school and just decided you weren't coming home last night. Do you think your grown now?!"

"Wow, okay mom act as if you care." I turned towards the fridge, grabbing a fresh Poland Spring.

"Excuse me?!" My mother stared in shock, "ooo girl your ass getting a beating today."

Just as I'm about to respond Gary saunters in, beer glass in hand. Seeing this sent me over the edge.

" mom are you this clueless? This asshat is a sick man that shouldn't be in our home. I don't give a fuck who he is to you, but I don't want him here. He needs to get the fuck out. Do you know what he is? A-A pedophile. He tried to-"

I gasp pressing the palm of my hand against my stinging hot cheek, staring at my mother in shock.

She had slapped me. Hard. I stare between her and Gary. Confused as to what just happened.

Gary comes over and hugs my mother soothingly as she started to cry into his arms. This can't be happening.

"You can't do this Anaya. When I'm happy, financially stable. Gary is good to us. I'm sorry your jealously has taken over, but stating that he's-he's a pedophile is beyond you." She stares at me in disgust, exiting the kitchen, with Gary holding her hand.

Not before Gary stares at me smirking.

I sat on my bed, a melted ice pack beside me as I stared at the glow in the dark stars on the ceiling. It was left there when I moved in. Maybe a little girl lived here. Maybe she had a better life than me in this house. I sigh rolling over to face the window.

I have been in my room since the encounter with my mother. I just wanted to stay in here forever. I was somewhat safe in here. Like a sanctuary. The doors were locked to prevent my number one enemy, Gary, from coming in; but maybe also my mother, since she sided with him.

My thoughts are interrupted by a bell sound coming from my phone.

ex-best friend🤬
-can you come out? I'm outside.

Lmao okkk. Make my day worse. I slip on my uggs and a jean jacket before tip toeing downstairs towards the back door. There I find Taylor sitting on the steps.

"What do you want Taylor?" I crossed my arms, not ready for anymore shit today. She stood and turned towards me, eyebrows furrowed.

"Shit what happened to your face?" She peered closely inspecting my cheek. Noticing my look of annoyance she retreated.

"Look Naya, I'm here to say I'm sorry." She smiles sadly.

"Are you now." I rolled my eyes and placed my hands on my hips. I can't believe her.

"Yes, if anything your the one who left me! What if something happened to me huh?" She sounded more worried than mad. Worried about herself or me?
"You could've texted me or-or called me to let me know you were leaving."

I watch her apologetically. I brace myself before taking a seat on the porch. She follows taking a seat beside me. I take a breath and begin to tell her what happened that night. With Adam. I watch her expression the entire time trying to see if I can notice her judging me or not.

"Naya..." tears begin to fall from her eyes, "Naya I'm so sorry, I'm an asshole I should've asked what happened instead of- of judging and being such a bitch. I'm so sorry." She hesitantly goes in for a hug.

I hug her back, tears in my eyes to have my best friend back, "I missed you Tay."

"I missed you too binch."


"And then I said 'yeah sure why not?'"

I had successfully snuck Taylor into my room and we were having a sleepover. She was currently telling me how last weekend she went out with some friends and was dared to suck on this boys ear. Who is now her boyfriend. To be honest I'm happy for her. I didn't really understand her choices before. Such as multiple fuck buddies. Now she has someone to think about, to hold her down. I wish I had that.

"So yeah, after the doc appointment to get checked, we went to his place and fucked on the couch. Honestly the best day of my life." She sat criss cross applesauce on my bed munching on a crunch bar.

"Okay gross Tay." I shivered dramatically and popped two pieces of popcorn in my mouth.

"Haha whatever. So what's been going on with you annnnnd Jacob?" She scooted towards me as if we were in middle school gossiping about the cutest boy in class.

"I mean he's great." I replied not giving much detail which cause Tay to groan.

"Okay?! What else. I mean a lot of gossip has been going around about you two. I mean you did leave with him after that party." She urged me on impatiently.

"Wow Uhm I didn't realize my life was so important." I dramatically wipe a tear and pretended to look around 'waving to paparazzi'.

"Ugh come on Nay. Pleassse" she pouted with puppy eyes.

"Ok ok. Uhh the last day we had lunch together, I skipped school and smoked weed with him at the basement of a tattoo parlor. Afterwards I ended up sleeping over. AND NOO we didn't do anything. I met his personal cook and his asshole of a dad. We then went for breakfast. Uhm yeah thats it." I heavily exhaled and notice Tay gaping at me.

"That's it?! Gurl your some badass now, smoking weed and shyyytttt. And you guys are practically married. Just missing the kissing and sex." She smirked and judged me, causing me to feel hot with embarrassment.

"No Tay we're just friends." I continued picking at my popcorn. I can't cook for my life, since I ended up burning popcorn.

"Friends? Pfft. Okay hunny lemme know when's the wedding." She shakes her head and lays her head on one of the pillows.


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