Chapter 4

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Aman's P.O.V

After two days, I was done reviewing the whole project. It's a big project so I am worried about giving it whole to her. No matter what I am still a businessman.

After thinking about it a lot I decided that I will hire her just to design the luxury suits and the rest will be done by a much more experienced designer.

I called the Manhattan team and discussed this with them. I explained that I want to give a newbie a chance and thankfully they didn't question my decision because I had no idea how I would explain this.

I also arranged a meeting through Skype to make sure everything is clear.

Now the only thing left is to actually hire her. I decided it's best if I don't go. First of all why would the company's CEO go to hire someone? And second I am too nervous to do it. So I asked Rehaan to go.

He said he would on one condition. I need to buy him the latest phone. I asked him why he couldn't just buy it on his own considering his salary he can very easily. And he said it feels better when I buy it for him.

I reminded him this is his job. Then we argued for some time about whether going to a girl's house for his boss is part of his job or not.

In the end I pre ordered the phone and he left. I just hope he doesn't mess this up.

Rehaan's P.O.V

I can't believe Aman actually ordered me the phone. He is an idiot. Laughing to myself I drove towards the address Saif sent.

It was in the nice area of the city. I didn't knew Alina's family is rich. Turning on the radio I drove silently singing along.

I reached in fifteen minutes. Taking the files with me I pressed the button for the elevator. I checked the floor again and got inside the elevator.

The elevator opened with a ding and I walked out. I found her room number and ranged the doorbell. I heard some talking and finally the door opened.

But the girl who opened it wasn't Alina. Confused I asked, "Who are you?"

She looked at me as if I was some weirdo. "Shouldn't I ask that? Who are you?"

"I am Rehaan. Nice to meet you." I said charmingly because she looked cute.

She glared at me with disgust. My confidence was severely hurt. But I let it go.

Another voice called out from inside. "Who is it Madz?" Alina came out.

I smiled at her. "Hello, I am Rehaan. From Khan Industries. I actually have some things to discuss with Miss Alina. Here's my business card." I said giving her my business card.

After checking it, Madz finally let me in. But she still was looking at me with disgust. I was really amused by it that's for sure.

"Please have a seat. I will get you something to drink. What would you like?" Alina said politely and guided me to the sofa.

"Just water is fine, thank you." I said.

Madiha sat down infront of me and looked me up and down.

Is she checking me out? I thought but that thought was quickly thrown out of the window when she glared at me again. What is her problem? Maybe it's because I am so handsome. I laughed silently at my thoughts.

Alina returned with a cold glass of water and coffee. She sat down beside Madz and looked at me expectantly.

I placed the files on the table and slided them towards her. She looked at me for permission and picked it up when I nodded.

She looked through it quickly and her eyes kept increasing in size as she flipped the pages.

"Are you really offering me a job?" She asked suprise evident in her voice.

"Not exactly. This is just a one time thing but if we are impressed with your job you can get hired permanently. If you are interested we can arrange a meeting." I explained.

"This is a huge opportunity. I still cannot believe this. I am interested. Thank you so much." She said smiling brightly and I can see why Aman is so into her. She's cute.

"It's not my decision but your welcome. Well, if it's possible you can come tomorrow for the meeting. You will be meeting with our CEO."

"Yeah, ofcourse I will be there tomorrow. At what time exactly?" She said noting it down.

I looked through Aman's schedule for tomorrow. "Tomorrow at eleven in the morning. If that's okay?"

"Yes, that's totally fine. I will be there." She said. "Can you believe it Madiha? I am getting a job."

And Madiha smiled. I was surprised to see it. She looked gorgeous smiling and I didn't realise I was staring until she looked at me and glared back.

I cleared my throat and stood up. "I will be leaving now. Thank you for your time and I hope to see you tomorrow." I said.

"Ofcourse and thank you. It was nice meeting you Mr.Rehaan."

"It was nice meeting you too Miss.Alina and Miss.Madiha." I said smiling at the other girl who scowled more.

I was in the elevator when my phone ranged. "Hello bestie." I answered cheerfully.

"I told you to stop calling me that." Came a bored voice from the other side.

"But why? You are my bestie, aren't you?" I whined.

I can't see it but I am pretty sure he is shaking his head. I chuckled. "It went well don't worry. I will give you the details in the office. I am on my way. Wait a bit more. Love you."

"Okay thanks. Love you too." The last part was barely a whisper but I heard it. He quickly ended the call before I could say anything.

I got in my car and drove back to the office. This was a very interesting meeting. I smiled to myself.



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