Chapter 31

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(Leo's POV)

I don't know who to believe, I don't know who's side I am on.

Keri and I have been secretly dating for almost a year now, and I think that I love her.

No one knows her like I do, everyone thinks that she is the sweetest, kindest person. While this may be true sometimes, she has some very dark times as well.

I have a terrifying choice to make. I either defy my own parents and friends, and join the love of my life, or defend my friends an family against her.

Part of me wants to stay and support my family, but the other half wants to join Keri. My mind and heart seem to be at war with themselves.

I should meet her soon, I know that she will want me with her. She can get very mad when I don't do what she wants, I never like to see her mad.

People scramble around me in varies directions, I hear cries to evacuate, but I stay put. This is all part of the plan, I wonder if Keri is leaving the building right now.

I doubt that she is, she is too smart for our trap, she will know that this is all a set up, and when she finds out that I was apart of it, she will most likely beat me.

The thought hangs heavy in my mind. Maybe she won't beat me if I go tell her our plan. Yeah, that would work, but how can I escape my father and uncle without suspicion.

"Dad. I'll be back, I just have to go, umm, use the bathroom." My uncle Uriah gives me an odd look before waving me of to go.

I run at top speed to the head office, I know that I will find Keri there.

Sure enough, she sits on the edge of the desk, her gold hair shimmering in the morning light. Her legs swing, back and forth, as she inspects her pink, painted nails. Nita, her mother, sits on the small couch on the side of the room.

"Ahhh, Leo." She hisses, she always does this before one of her dark moments.

I hesitate before stepping forward. "Hello dear."

She moves off of the desk, and makes her way slowly to me.

Her face is only centimeters from mine, her lips brush my lips, her hands lie flat on my chest.

"You wouldn't happen to know why I just heard an explosion, would you?" She whispers it sweetly.

I stumble, my throat feels like it is closing up, it seems almost impossible to speak.

I simply nod, before feeling a harsh sting on my face and the cruel sound of skin against skin.

Keri whips around, strands of her hair sting my face as she does. "Do you have any idea what you have done, you idiot! Don't you know that we have been planning our attack for sixteen years! The Allegiant will not hide any longer, you and your stupid family may have ruined part of the plan, but I have now gotten word that Tris and Tessa are in the building. We need them, if we want our plan to succeed. And we want our plan to succeed, don't we Leo."

"Yes Keri, what would you like me to do?"

"I want you to kill Tessa, one dead Divergent to study, one live Divergent to test on." Both Nita and Keri laugh, it is a cruel sound, like nails scraping a chalkboard.

This is it, this is the ultimate test of my loyalty. I love Keri, I can't lose her, but can I really betray my family?

No, thinking about this is stupid, Keri is my family. I can't lose Keri, I must kill Tessa.


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Poor Leo, do you really think that he will kill Tessa?

Allegiant (Continuation)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora