Chapter 22

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(Tris's POV)

I sigh as I scrub the seemingly endless pile if dishes. I laugh a little bit, if we were still in the factions system I would de throwing knifes right now. I hear the door open, and assume it is Natalia. "There is cake in the fridge." I say without turning around. "I'm not interested in cake." Spits out a harsh voice behind me. I slowly pick up a butter knife from the sink, and slip it into my sleeve. I draw in a breath and turn around. Caleb, it is Caleb. Yet, it is not the Caleb I knew, this one is older, paler, and angrier then I remember.

A gun is held firm in his outstretched hands, although every now and then I see them quiver. "What do you want." I say firmly. "You." He replies in that harsh tone. I clutch onto to my hidden weapon. "What." I choke out, I am scared. "Oh, dear Beatrice, you thought it was all over didn't you. That you and that Four boy could play house forever. But your wrong, things are changing, the Allegiant will not be ignored." The Allegiant. I have not heard anything pertaining to them in almost 16 years. "What does that have to do with me?" I ask. "You are Divergent. Hence, your child must be as well." "What have you done with Natalia?" I say through clenched teeth, no one hurts my family. "Don't worry," he says "she's alive, for now." I swallow. "There really is no telling what the tests will do to her nuero-pathways, but it is a risk I am willing to take." My baby girl, Natalia. At the mercy of my heartless brother. I can't even bear the idea. I am about to respond to Caleb, when I hear the front door creak open. In walks a dirty, tired Tobias, just home from work. "What the..." But before he can finish, Caleb turns and shoots. I hear a scream and eventually recognize it as my own as I watch Tobias collapse to the floor, blood pooling around his limp body. I run to him.

I press my head to chest, his chest without a heartbeat. I cry, no sob, "Tobias" I say shaking him, as though he will wake up. I don't know how long it takes me to register the events that just happened, but when I do I am angry.

I lunge at Caleb, kicking and punching any and every area exposed on his body. He took away my husband, my daughter, and my life. He will pay dearly.

When he is at the brink of unconsciousness, I pull him close. In his blood stained ear I whisper, "You will die for what you did, slowly and painfully, I promise that. But first, I need to find my daughter." I hear him mumble some nonsense, and then whisper "never." I punch him hard in the gut, and watch him wince in severe pain. "Truck." He mumbles looking to the door. I let him fall to the floor with a satisfying thud. I run to the faded blue truck in my driveway. I open the door to find Natalia struggling with rope binds. I untangle her, and to my surprise, she does not cry. I tell her "Dad" and she understands. It pains me to see that look of horror in her eyes. "Go get Christina." She nods and runs to Christina's house. I rush back into the house to be at Tobias's side. He is unconscious. I cry, as I try to revive him.

10 minutes later, an ambulance arrives. A horrified Christina, Shauna, and Natalia stand before me. I tell them that I am going to follow the ambulance to the hospital. What I don't tell them is that my two reasons to go are to help Tobias and kill Caleb.


I pace, back and forth, back and forth. He can't die, I keep telling myself. It is useless though, I saw him get shot in the chest. Yet, I got shot in the chest and lived, I only hope that he can be so lucky.

After what feels like forever, a grim looking doctor walks out of the room. He looks me in the eyes and says "he's dead." I collapse to the ground in a crying heap. I notice that the doctor is almost wearing a smirk, but decide to dismiss the idea.

I hear other cries, and assume that they are emanating from my poor daughter, Natalia.

Together, we sob about out great loss.


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