Chapter 23

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(Tris POV)

I feel cold, alone. I have lost my Tobias, the love of my life. A part of me still won't accept that he is dead, and as I start slowly realizing that he is truly gone, I only break down further.

Natalia cried herself to sleep an hour ago, it hurts me so much to watch her experience this pain. I know what it's like to lose a parent, she is named after my mother.

With nothing to do, and no where to be, I decide to get into my car and drive to the hospital. I just need to see him one more time, maybe, when I get there he will be walking around. Waiting for me to come so that he can tell me he loves me, and will never leave me.

When I get to the hospital, I find Tobias still lying on the thin, white cot. He looks so peaceful, so loving, as though he will wake up and I will be able to see those beautiful deep blue eyes once again.

I bend down next to his side as tears run down my face. "I love you, I don't know what I will do with out you. Oh, Tobias, please wake up. Please, I need you." I whisper. I am not given a response.

I feel hopeless and helpless. I can not save the love of my life. If it weren't for Natalia I would erase my memory, unable to bear a life that I have lived so long without Tobias.

Silently, I weep by Tobias's bed side. Then, I feel movement. It must be my imagination, but then I see it again, his arm slowly raises and then falls. Overjoyed with tears, I press my ear close to his chest. I am greeted with a steady heartbeat, one that I have spent long nights pressed up against.

"Tobias" I whisper. "Tris" he mutters back. I fit my mouth to his, in desperation for his familiar warmth. When we part, he opens those beautiful eyes of his, and gives me a crooked smile. I can tell that he is still in pain. "Leave." He says. Taken aback, I ask, "Why?" "If they see you. If they capture you, or Natalia for that matter." "Who would find us, who would capture us?""Them." Is a all he says.

Scared and confused, I turn to leave, but am stopped by a hand on my wrist. I look at Tobias, his eyes wide with fear. "Trust no one." I turn and run out of the door.

I have never seen Tobias afraid of anything except, no it can't be. He couldn't be involved, he couldn't be behind it all, could he?


I promise to update again when I have 6 comments on this chapter! 😊 What do you think Tobias is afraid of? (If you like my story, read What if? (Divergent no war))

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